Muslims On The Rise
Muslims on the Rise...
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|03/23/2011 06:28 am
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I have to post what happened to me this week. I can't get it out of my head till I do.
It is strange to see things out of the ordinary. There was once a time when gays were a rareity. It was odd to see these people. Seeing their weird ways that seem so un-natural to the common people. But unlike the Muslims, I dont wish gays death. I think it is not right... but I am not wanting to kill them.
WHY??? OH WHY are people saying that Jesus was gay? "oh yeah, he hung around all those men..." is really rediculous to use that as a means to an end. Men hang around with men all the time, its a guy thing... I just have to heavy sigh and know that there is so much ignorance in the world. PEOPLE... in the days of Jesus... if you were gay, you were stoned to death. There was a time when being gay was popular... and look, see what happened to them. Read about Soddom and Gomorrah for yourself. Sorry to say this, but it does go against nature... but I am not going to condemn the gays. Some of my favorite people are gay! (I love you Jennifer and Andrew). Its their choice... not mine. So stop allready with the Jesus was gay crap. It's not even real. And anyone who believes this, needs to read more.
I am a reader, my house is full of books. Books I have bought and books I have inherited. This is where I got my great collection of religious books, about all religions of which I do humbly respect... My Great Aunt was a writer; Camillia Boykin Campbell. She was a lovely lady with a lovely family. She had no children, so her books were her children. So, it is in my nature to read. And write. So I do. It's Gods will.
So, I am very opinionated at times. Sorry, if you cant handle that. Some simply can't handle the truth.
SO... when I went shopping in a popular store, for the first time in all my 40+ years of going to this store, I had never seen a Muslim. So when one walked by wearing a HUGE black sheet that only had a small slit for the eyes... I DID PANIC. You hear so much about those people blowing themselves up... it did cause me to have panic attack. I have suffered from panic attacks for most of my life, they are not new, but seeing this woman, I assume it was a woman... dressed like DEATH... it was one of the weirdist panic attacks I ever had. I couldn't see into her eyes. I didn't trust her. Was she going to explode??? Why would someone choose to go out in public dressed like that? People looked at this image like it was the 'black plague'... it must of felt the tension of the people cause it left the store as fast as possible. Didn't buy anything. What the hell was that???
Then later in the week... went to another VERY popular store... there was a Muslim wearing the head thing... and jeans. Hmmm... I suppose she can't make up her mind what she is... was covering her head more important than covering that ass in those tight jeans? Strange...
That reminds me of the popular hair cut from the 80's... short in the front and long in the back... can't decide which hair is better.
I suppose it was one of those moderate Muslims... ya know, the ones who only read part of their Holy Book. Oh yeah, yeah... Christians do the same thing... only read part of their Bible, if they read it at all. Because as a matter of FACT, If people would actually read and understand the customs of the time... no one would be saying that Jesus was gay. I can hardly believe that some people are actually saying this. I am sure they are uneducated wanna be Godly good... so they have to make a reason to change the thought process of... Leviticus chapter 18... or Romans chapter 1. But in the end... Revelations chapter 22... we know that these facts cannot be twisted into lies.
I would like to end this blog with the great words of Peter...
"...but the end of all things are at hand... so you need to be sober... and watch out for the evil one... and always pray for Gods guidance... And above all things, have fervant charity among yourselves... because charity covers a multitude of sins. Use hospitality one to another, WITHOUT GRUDGING... as every man and woman can recieve this gift of love... even so, speak the same one to another... as good stewards of God."
Thank you for reading my thought for the day...
God bless you... and God Bless The USA!
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