
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Thursday, June 09, 2011

What A Nightmare

What A Nightmare

I wonder if you still call it a nightmare if it happens after you go back to sleep after your man leaves at the crack of dawn?

I knew when I woke up this was something I would have to blog about. I don't want this feeling inside of me any longer than it must be.

I had a dream... the Muslims were perched atop the roofs, shooting people who came out on the street. And no one was there to help us. It was very complicated, very stressful. You know how some dreams are. So surreal.

We had hid the children, sent them off with their parents. We, the older crowd were staying to protect and fight for our homes. This is the Texas way. We were not trying to run. We were just all gathered with intelligence to fight Islam from taking over America. They had come so far. They had infiltrated our government, used our own weapons against us. They were on top...

As we walked through the streets, we could see dead bodies laying in the street, of a fallen brother in this holy war. We know its gonna happen. GOD told us a long time ago. The problem was most people were to involved with themselves, rather than worry about a silly thing some called GOD.

I am so sad that so many people have turned away from what their old grandmas and grandpas would tell them. Young people are so stubborn. I just saw on Judge Mathis this morning, there was two young beautiful girls from California. Now we know how those people can be. I mean, look at how Maria Shriver has suffered. Anyways, these girls had what they called 'California attitude'... and you could see if you looked close enough that this is an all about 'self' attitude. We don't care about anything or anyone else, much less care about something we cannot see... GOD. Those type of people only care about what they can see around them.

God is more about the things that you can't see... but can feel. People have really become lost and they don't even know it. Young people cant help it because they were only following their parents. It is a way of life where morality crumbles bit by bit and the children again... suffer for the sins of the parents.

I have blogged about this somewhere before, but unless you read my long blogs, you wont know this, so many have lost touch. But, when I was just 5 or 6... I would walk to the neighborhood Church. They taught me, at such a young age: GOD is first, My friends and Family are second and I am Third. (inner thought, Jesus was the third MAN)

Since God IS LOVE, Love always comes first... then my friends and family matter because its people whom you love that matter the most in your life, then finally, if I can get some time, I can have something for me. Now, alot of people are like this, naturally. Lots of people don't have a religious form of GOD... but they have the spiritualness of HIM. They do good on their own because LOVE IS the most important thing in life. If you make LOVE the most important thing in your life... you naturally follow GODS laws.

I thought that I was diverting from what I was thinking when I first came to sit down here today. But thinking about it, letting it flow...

The bottom line is, IF the American people don't get right, We will be wrong. The Muslims are wrong trying to get world dominion for Allah, but they cant help it. It is what they are programmed to do. You cant blame the individual for what he wants to believe in. Lots of these people are not even reading or paying attention to their Holy Book. After all, they are just people, we, us. How many Christians can say they read their Bible through and through? I can say that. But I am strange and not apart of this world. I live in it, but my heart and mind belong to the GOD OF LOVE. The GOD who cares about individual freedom to choose. GOD doesn't want people to love HIM if they don't want to. No one should be forced to read the Bible.

So the Muslims are taught at a very early age that it is good if you are a martyr for Allah. They are programmed by Sharia Law. They see all others as stupid and anti- Allah, which to them is unthinkable.

And yes its true too, that many a Christian has murdered in the name of GOD. But their FORM was religious, its true we used to have the same GOD in the beginning... but their souls were dead. GOD did not live in their hearts and minds like HE does for the ones who believe in Jesus Christ.

The natural terror the Muslims have to live in... even in their own world. Always having to worry about their own people who will kill them. They only do what their FORM of religion dictates... which is... kill the infidels...
Allah seeks world dominion.

They will come... trust me... they are already here. You hear of honor killings all the time here in America. And if you are not hearing about this info... please go to and get the info that we need as a people to keep America... AMERICA!

We are gonna fall... its just a matter of time... the question is... are we going to stand up and fight?

Because if you think about it, Muslims rules on the surface sounds good. I mean if the women in American wore sheets to cover themselves and had a male relative following them around shopping, there would be way less rapes and murders of our women. If you think about it, this is the way of rigid families, even in America. Certain standards we follow as a people, like the English also have rules of protocol... that you must follow. It's the same, except the English people live in freedom, but they know better than to step out of line. lol... I can prob say with all confidence that you will never see the new Royal; 'Kate' out partying with her girlfriends, getting drunk and stealing stuff from men. They are strict like the Muslims, but they wont cut your throat if you are a Muslim.

The world is heading down a cesspool and you can see what is happening. Wars and rumors of wars, pestilence and disasters in all places. It was all predicted. God gives dreams for a reason. Whether people listen or not... that's what matters. And people are not listening to GOD anymore.

I can remember in my dream, the deep red blood that ran in the streets of America. Dealing with the fact that the enemy was at the gate. The terror I felt as I was walking and talking to a neighbor who was shot from above by the Muslims... his body exploding red, splattering on the building and myself. We fell into the building and curled up against the wall, peeking out at the streets, watching people fall like flies. This is reality in many parts of the world, where the Muslims have laid anchor. They are programmed to be nice to our face, then slit our throats if we mumble one allegiance to our GOD OF LOVE.

People, please someone hear me. Tell your loved ones... don't trust the Muslims!

They are coming... we can all see that... just because part of them is living near you and being peaceful... that is how they get their foot in the door.

Soon they will be demanding Sharia law. And all it will take will be 51% of them in our government. This is what they plan to do.

They will smile to your face then turn on you when you least expect it.

Look at how many have died already. Innocent victims, in the wrong place at the wrong time. This was all predicted by GOD through men who took the time to write what they knew GOD was talking about. This is what I try to do too, but still the stories keep coming in. The worst I can remember was two young teen girls. Their throats cut for professing to be Christian. THIS IS WRONG!!! THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN~

The whole project of Genesis was about the FREEDOM to choose. PLEASE!!!

Please... from a voice crying out in the suburbs...

People, stand up and fight for your right to choose.


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