
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Others Are Allowed But I Am Not

  I am so upset. Ok actually, I am downright angry, as others are allowed but I am not! 

Please allow me to explain. 

A couple days ago I saw a video on Twitter that showed N Pilosi saying she was going to knock Trump out! The mommabear in me, protecting the one I love immediately posted, and "I am going to knock N. Pilosi out!" Within 2 to 5 seconds, I got a notice that my account was froze till I deleted that message. I deleted it, and instantly I got a notice that I can't use my account for 7 days. 

This tells me I am being punished. She can say it about my loved one, but I can't say it about her. In other words, they can dish it out, but they can't take it. 

I have always been one who stands up to bullies. I can't count how many fights I have stopped because I stepped in. It's like on the playground, if someone starts bullying my loved one, I believe that it's because they haven't learned to do better. They laugh, it's funny to them. They don't know how it feels. So, I would 'punch em' back so they can know how it feels, so that they can re-examine their actions and can learn to do better!

Most times when people are acting stupid, they don't know they are being stupid until they can see themselves through the eyes of others. Some people are closed minded and stubborn, but GOD always finds a way.

Like in the old west, you shoot my friend, I'm gonna shoot you. I don't care what's going on. We have the right to a jury trial. It's the American way! 

I want to also add this was not in real life! She didn't really in real life punch him out and I didn't actually punch her out. I suppose if I was rich, I could travel to her office and show her what a bully she is. I'd get arrested for it, but it would be worth it. Again, her words. 

Can you imagine a school bully is bullying a kid and the school people rush out against the one being bullied? I was sticking up for the one being bullied, and I get punished for it.

There is in the world a battle of good against evil. And the evil part is wanting us to be filled with anger and hate. GOD on the other hand wants us to be filled with LOVE and respect for all. 

N. Pilosi has NO respect for Trump! So why should anyone want to respect her?

That's the worst thing this world has brought in... a terrible double standard. 

GOD is not a respecter of persons. Doesn't matter what label you wear, what matters is how you treat people! Are you mean and hateful? If you are, I can guarantee when you get older people will not want to be there for you. They won't want to be around someone who has given them so many bad memories!

However, there is a way that we can live in PEACE~ 

If we could learn to love and respect each other and remain civil to each other!

There is no need for hate and wars. Why do people do that?? I don't get it! Especially in this modern time! What are they thinking? Problem is, they're not thinking! They are closed minded. They can't see beyond their own noses! They hate anyone who disagrees with them, and they are willing to fight to the death, (or send someone else to die) for what they believe, even if what they believe in, is wrong! SO sad. Some people are unable to see anyone else's point of view! 

GOD teaches us to hear and listen and respect truth!

Be smart enough to know when you're wrong, you can do this by having the Holy Spirit of GOD within your heart and mind. Invite HIM into your heart and mind to live and instruct you by the spirit! 

So many people are waiting for the second coming of Christ to be a physical body coming out of the sky, as that is how Hollywood has laid it out for us. I believe the second coming of Christ will be by the SPIRIT! When everyone learns to emulate Jesus! And we spread the love and respect around the world. It sure will be a great day in the morning!

OK, I am feeling better now. But I still believe she was wrong, she did it first. 

And I am grateful to be able to come here and get it out of my system!

Thank you for reading!

Praise GOD Thank U Jesus!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA


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