
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, August 01, 2022

I Cry...

 It's been a while, I know. But the Lord is with me and I'm OK!

The news about the nation is devastating. I do cry a lot about how some parents kill their children the most. It's gotten so bad that I don't even watch that sort of news. I read the title and that's all I need to know. And I know that GOD takes special care of the souls who are lost to a parent killing them. Can you imagine the last few thoughts in a child's brain as they watch their mom or dad, or BOTH murder them? OK That's all I'm going to say on this matter right now.

And I cry when I also see the hate that some people are pressing, no matter what labels you have if you are hating, you are doing what the dark side wants. You are spreading hate, which is something we are told by GOD, NOT TO DO! Yet I see it every day. So sad about this.

When I see people hating each other I immediately go to GOD with it because 2 wrong acts do not make a right. And if you think so, that's so Old Testament! We are not in the Old Testament anymore. This is why I always say to always start reading with the New Testament. Get to know the man Jesus, you learn about him in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They are the men who knew Jesus the best. Yes, he was a real man, born through an Angel of GOD. Jesus was in fact the 'Son of GOD'. He carried within himself the souls of men. He taught us to LOVE one another! He taught us to CARE about each other. 

It's so bad, so sad that some only care about themselves.

I also see many liars. Too many. I mean there are liars lying to liars! Even when the truth would be easier! But people lie for a reason, mostly it's to hide something they have done. Or to hide something someone else has done. GOD is very strict on this issue. It is written in both the Old and New Testaments. It means a lot to GOD that we live in and for TRUTH! If someone is a liar, let's not HATE them... Let's teach them to do better. If they don't want to do better, well give it to GOD and just remember in all dealings with the person, know they are a liar. Personally, I would find it very hard to trust a liar after I discovered their lie.

Which brings me to my next thought. No matter what anyone says, literally there are only male and female (except for a few birth defects). GOD created man and woman FOR A PURPOSE! But since we took GOD out of our system, or I should say SOME people threw enough of a hissy fit to cause some people to remove GOD from schools and courts, ever since that moment people have fallen into a downward spiral. Going places where GOD HAS TOLD us NOT TO GO FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. You see there has always been people who pretend to be the opposite sex. Men pretending to be women and women pretending to be men. It's has been a part of mankind since the beginning. But GOD says WE AS HIS PEOPLE do not do this. 

It is natural for a boy to be attracted to a girl. And it naturally promotes LIFE!

GOD IS the GOD of the LIVING! 

Now when our children are seeing men being pregnant or a woman winning a swim meet because he is really a man with more muscle mass and stamina. It is confusing our children. Some people are following lies of the devil and that is not what GOD says is best for us.

I am so grateful for the young folks who know that its best to follow TRUTH and JUSTICE. I mean, it's the American way! And it's GOD that sees to it that we know this to be a better way. When you follow GOD, you know how important TRUTH IS! And it's really funny to me when I see someone lying, yet they get soooo mad when they get lied to! I still can't figure that one out. So, I stay away from people who lie. Or I keep in mind they are probably lying to me at all times. 

This is why so many divorces are happening. How many divorces are based on lies? Nobody has time for that! Did you know that from the beginning GOD did not even have a thought for divorce? Because if you LOVE EACH OTHER there is no need for divorce. You would never lie or cheat. However, men and women have made it socially acceptable. Just the same reason we have so many homosexuals. It all boils down to the 'desires of the flesh'... why do people have illicit sex? They do it because it is a physical desire that GOD has warned us about. Is a huge reason GOD tells us to deny our self those guilty pleasures. Even for me... my guilty pleasure is food. But I work on that every day! 

When someone cheats it tells me 2 things. 1. Their love and loyalty are not to their spouse. and 2. it's the fleshly desires that come into play, those human desires can be so strong, but you know what? In the end you will be better off if you deny those fleshly desires like I deny my fleshly desire to pull into the donut shop every time I pass it. 

You see GOD is full of wisdom that people have known as TRUTH for many centuries.

And people are still playing like Grandma never knows best. 

Well, this Grandma is saying how it is. And the great thing about TRUTH is U will know it when you see it. Don't let people BS you with lies. If you keep GOD in your heart and mind, HE will show you that LOVE and TRUTH are the best way to go!

Can you imagine the life of someone who has to live with a grouchy person who is always cussing mad and blaming anything or anyone but themselves? And they whine and complain all day long. Oh wow... well I can say that is NOT the life GOD wants for us. GOD wants us to enjoy the fruits of LOVE and TRUTH and JOY and PEACE! This is a GREAT LIFE!

I can tell U truly; GODS way is the BEST way!

The Lord is with me, and I can see a time and place where everyone emulates Jesus and the world becomes a much better place! Don't follow the lies of hate, follow the LOVE in Truth and Peace.

Because we know that if the world respected TRUTH and LOVE above all else, there will be the new earth and a new heaven. The place that we leave to our children who will never know the horrors of war, because where there is LOVE there is no war!

Before I wrap it up here today, I want to say that crying is a part of my life. It used to not be that way. I have been on medicine that took the tears away. But it also took away all my emotions. In fact, I didn't care about anything. I think it hurt my kids the most. For several years I just didn't care. But today I am off all those meds. I am once again in touch with my own feelings. And I do care.

This is why I am trying to leave a good message here, that GOD cares and can help you have a BETTER LIFE! Some people are so lucky to be born into a GODLY family, others have to struggle to get there. Well struggle on... because the light at the end of the tunnel is Bright and Beautiful!

With all my LOVE and Care for U!

GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA


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