Two Memories
I was inspired yesterday to write this blog. But it took me a bit to get here. I'm going to start with an old memory because the 2nd memory will be last because it will make such an impression, you will want to Praise GOD.
Yesterday I was talking to my 37yr old son. I was telling him about the time I was about 10 years old, riding my bike and my foot slipped off the peddle and the peddle came around and hit the back of my ankle which caused the front right side to be held down against the cement and it scrapped a terrible large hole in my skin. It was really bad. I still have the scar. But here I'm getting ahead of myself. So right after it happened, I looked down and saw it and ran 2 houses down to my grandparents' house. As soon as I got in and shut the door, I started screaming. Here came my grandmother from the kitchen and my grandfather came running in from the garage. They helped me to the bathroom and sat me up on the counter and put my foot in the sink. They inspected it and decided to take me to the Dr. You see, I had rocks imbedded in my flesh. It hurt so bad! And here is the thing that brought on the memory. While sitting there my grandfather said, "I wish it would have happened to me and not you!" Oh, WHAT??? let me tell you I thought he was crazy! I really did, I stopped for a minute to try to figure that one out, but really, I couldn't get past my unbelief. And it took me many years into my adulthood to realize he was NOT crazy! He just loved me that much!
So, at the Dr's I had to sit patiently while the Dr picked those little rocks out of my wound. And I got to stay home for a couple weeks. My grandmother went to the school and got my work for me so I wouldn't fall behind. Believe me, my mother wouldn't have done that. It was a serious event. Is why I am still talking about it and now posting it here. I may have written about this one before, but I can't remember so I am posting it here.
Now this memory is from yesterday! This is so wonderful I HAD to come and post it! Ya know, I almost said "I am going to write about this." out loud! But I didn't. So, I was walking into Family Dollar for cat food and right beside me there was 2 young black men. Now don't get your panties in an uproar because I described the color of their skin, because I feel like it is relevant here. I never felt threatened. The Lord IS with me! As we walked in the store and walking around the store, we passed by each other, them and I. And when I was checking out at the register, they were right behind me. I wasn't talking to anyone but then I heard this, "GOD Bless U." And of course, hearing this statement in public was a surprise to me, especially from a young black man! Now I don't have anything against black people, we all bleed red blood and I have had many black friends in my lifetime, and I know the color of a person's skin is not a reason to judge their soul. And I have seen many black people do well and... shoot, even my Dr is a young black woman. I LOVE her! However, I tend to mind my own business. But when I heard this young man say "GOD Bless U." I was so excited to hear it I spun around, and he saw the huge smile on my face! And I said loudly! "I don't know who you were talking to, but I am so HAPPY to hear you say that, thank you for saying it!" He smiled really big and said, "it was for whoever heard it!" I said, "well this is awesome! You made my day!" and he said, "You made my day too!" "And GOD Bless YOU too!" I replied! And we all were smiling! There was at least 9 people who saw and heard the conversation. I think it touched everyone's heart! I can even remember this little, short girl leaning over to the side to see who was talking so loudly! Yes, I was that excited!
I wonder if that young man was as HAPPY as I was. He sure seemed to be. He had a beautiful smile!
I live in the same neighborhood as my grandparents did. My children went to the same schools that I did when I was living with my grandparents... and now my grandchildren are going to them. My youngest grandson is now going to my old Jr High school and my middle granddaughter will now be starting at my old High School. It's the Jr High school now. We never had racism in our schools. I think by the 70's that was pretty much the norm. I never knew racism in my life. There were some people who talked racist, but I never hung out with them. I never agreed with them.
OK, to wrap this one up I want to just say, we should never judge anyone by race or creed. It makes me think of how GOD supersedes all labels and colors and creeds. You never know when you will be entertaining an angel! And that is what I felt like when I saw that young man smile! Now there's an angel if ever I saw one!
GOD Bless US Everyone! IJCNA
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