
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Friday, March 29, 2013

Backwards World Looking 4 Second Coming

Life is UGLY sometimes. The demons abound in the hearts of men.

People are so backwards and they don't even know it.

We live in a world where nothing makes sense anymore.

What are we gonna do about it!

PEOPLE, its time for us to make a change. We must fix the problems that we are facing.

Where's the LOVE, Man?

I never thought I would see the day where Russia and China makes more sense than the USA. It just goes to show ya what can happen when corruption takes root. There is secrecy and people doing things in hiding. Obama says... all this crap about transparency. HA! He is number 1 at hiding things. Now granted Obama is only a puppet in the world. But I believe a man like Kennedy or Reagan would not be doing things that Obama and his crew are doing.

I saw on a documentary.. (I love documentaries) on Secret Societies... someone said, "Our president is not elected... but SELECTED!" And I believe him. We are run by men who wont show their faces as our enemy. (Things are not always what they seem). However, I believe in this world, WE THE PEOPLE will have our day! The goodness of mankind will have its RUN in the very near future!

We are on the brink! We are fixing to topple over...


As people we are prone to be evil. Do the things that we do for selfish gain. I mean its all throughout HISTORY! Evil persons doing evil things. Corruption in HIGH PLACES is what will be our downfall!

You see, we are born into this world only knowing what we have. If we have good parents, we are lucky. If we have bad parents, we struggle. However this does not dictate our own personal choices. Like, I grew up in hell. My mother was a liar, a whore... a thief and a manipulator. Which taught me, I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE THAT! When I was a bartender between the ages of 28 and 31... and I saw all the drunks and their antics... it taught me... I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE THAT!

We all have our own personal choices. Just because our govt is corrupt doesn't mean WE have to be!

Just because our govt is in debt, doesn't mean WE have to be!

Things are so horrible these days. Well, it was predicted!

The signs are all there. We MUST as a WORLDLY people step up and fight against evil!

I always feel like the mother of the world. I don't know why I feel this way, but it is what it is. It has been this way a long time. I love ALL the PEOPLE of the world and wish people could learn to get along like family.

As a mother, I want my family to be happy and whole.

I see things that I shouldn't... I know things that I shouldn't and I don't know how I know them. Except that I have a hotline to GOD for all purposes... and I see evidence that is unseen by others. At first this was scary, but I am used to it by now. I use it as a tool.

Some people sometimes have NO CLUE as to the truth of what is going on in this world. Making enemies out of people who wouldn't be an enemy if they only knew the truth!

SO sad for the PEOPLE who have to live and suffer under LIES & CORRUPTION!

I DO dream of a world where PEOPLE LOVE PEOPLE.

This is what Jesus was talking about! People loving people would solve a world of troubles.

We do have a lot of good people in the world doing a lot of good. But it only goes so far!

I believe in the 2nd coming of Jesus. And my non bias opinion is that HE wont be coming out of the clouds in the sky... or out of a certain church. We will see the 2nd coming of Jesus reflected in our own eyes and also reflected within the eyes of our brothers and sisters in Christ!

GOD is a GOD of the living. And that's ONLY if you ask GOD to come and live in your heart and mind. Otherwise we are all born spiritually dead. That means we have nothing internal to tell us that certain things are morally wrong. What some people call a conscience. But thankfully, most cultures teach this.

People seem to be surprised that I say it is normal to hear voices. But how can we deny this? Only some are brave enough to say this truth. Others are so afraid to say it cause they don't want to look stupid to others who are non believers. But the thing is... I feel like... its a lot like those old movies that depict a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other... and they are both telling you to do this or that. GOD is going to be telling you to do good things for yourself and others... (because LOVING ACTIONS are key here)  and the devil is going to tell you to do bad things, things that are self destructive and destructive to others. Without GOD to lead and guide us, we follow an arrogant path which puts us as gods and that is NOT our place!

NO! We are human, born to make mistakes. We as a people can become very horrible if that is our will. GOD gives us a FREE WILL. HE doesn't want us to worship HIM out of fear... or because it is demanded. HE wants us to LOVE HIM, because WE WANT TO! Simply because its the right thing to do!

Quick side thought here. Strange that in the past, the US Govt was so worried and cracked down so hard on those they deemed to be communists. But now these days... the muslim enemy is within our govt, come in like a Trojan horse... ready to take over for Allah... and no one seems to notice that. But the struggles against this evil have been noticed for years. Centuries even... but these days people are so caught up in the latest fashions or food or party place... or shows. People who are not paying attention to world events. (I don't know what I would do if I wasn't up on the worldly events). I look at all the people going about their day. Knowing so many are lost. And my heart cries out to GOD... please HELP THEM!

Inside my soul, I embrace death. I would LOVE for it to be my time to go see GOD and all HIS saints. But GOD keeps telling me there is to much to do! Even the people closest to me are suffering. I thank GOD every day that my son has created a normal life for his little family. He did it by the book! Not so much because he is a Christian man... but more that he is a GOOD man. He has been to church. But he and his family are just doing things the right way.

And if you follow this one law... you cannot lose! 'LOVE ONE ANOTHER'... for if you love one another... you fulfill the law!

My purpose is not for those who have it all together. My purpose is for those who don't.

Life is full of choices. And we all have to make them.

Whats it gonna be for you?

Are you going to do GOOD things for your friends and family? Or are you going to do horrible things?

People who choose to do the horrible will be the losers in the end. Even if you think you will be able to get away with corruption. The WORD says "There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed!"  We cannot escape that truth!

I wonder how long it will take... until the WHOLE of MANKIND... sees JESUS for what HE was!

The KEY to Heaven! And where is heaven? Well, please don't think that it is floating around in space somewhere. Well, in a way it is. This is a vague truth.

We all have the power to go to heaven or hell. We do this by our deeds. Don't think when you die that that is the end of things. NO! Your spirit/soul lives on... it is an energy entity all its own. And I have personally seen the HUGE light from GOD and HIS saints!

We are only bound in these bodies for a while. We live and we learn. And when we die, if you have done and created evil... you must spend eternity knowing you did wrong and you are crying with regrets... knowing you can never go back and change things. That's why we MUST... while we are alive, create and do GOOD things... so that when our bodies wear out and we are free to join the spiritual world... we are able to go with no regrets... and happy that we did GOOD things in our lives, so that others who will come after us will learn and benefit by the good that we have done. Then you are able to be at peace, knowing that you did well and pleased GOD!

How you spend eternity is how you live your life!

And as far as I know... we only get one go round. Physically...

Spiritually... whose to say?

Spiritually... the skies the limit! We can do all things for GOOD through Jesus!

Yes, the second coming of Jesus is coming... and HE will show HIMSELF...
within the HEARTS & MINDS...



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