
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Friday, March 01, 2013

Yahoo Deleted Me Again...

I am now up to 48 thumbs up on this article that Obama said he would not allow the gay marriage ban.
I had to come here with this... it is awful that yahoo can take away what I had posted, so I went back and copied everything and will try to answer the last post in the same way I did earlier that they deleted.

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MotherPope  •  3 hrs ago Report Abuse
And if I was a Judge... I would ALLOW the gay marriage ban... because... #1 it is GROSS and #2, there is no need for same sex marriage! We have perverted the peoples minds to make it acceptable... for what reason? That's the real question! People get married to create families, have babies... follow nature... WHY do the gays want that? Their union is NOT HOLY... WHY? So what... you love each other... FINE, then live with each other... no need to announce what you are doing in your bedrooms to the world!
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  • Gunny McShoot
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    Gunny McShoot  •  3 hrs ago Report Abuse
    You can't argue against logic like that...because it doesn't exist.
  • Barry
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    Barry  •  3 hrs ago Report Abuse
    so using your logic, infertile people can NEVER be married? got ya bigot
  • TugMyPlug
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    TugMyPlug  •  3 hrs ago Report Abuse
    i don't have a perverted mind, I am not homosexual, I am A-okay with gay marriage. It's not gross to them, what you do with your man is gross to them.. "People get married to create families, have babies... follow nature" THAT is not completly true.. some people get marries as a commitment to one another AND for the legal aspects..
  • Mike
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    Mike  •  3 hrs ago Report Abuse
    Then don't marry another woman--find some guy that likes fat chicks and you'll be just dandy.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  3 hrs ago
    Marriage is sacred unto GOD... homosexuality is not!
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  3 hrs ago
    TugMyPlug got it right! 'They want to do it for the legal aspects'!
  • Mike
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    Mike  •  3 hrs ago Report Abuse
    1. Marriage is a civil contract between two people
    2. Marriage is not religious
    3. Christians live in chastity if they want to get into paradise; it is in the bible and the writings of the church fathers; the earliest Christians were all virgins
    4. Marriage was considered so carnal and sinful, no marriage was permitted inside a church building for the first 1,500 years of the Christian religion.

    How does it feel eo be ignorant about your own religion? Pretty sad I suspect.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  3 hrs ago
    Marriage began in the 'HOLY church of GOD' to bind together 1 man and 1 woman together for a lifetime, to create and celebrate with children for future generations.... Marriage is VERY religious... it is the civil unions which are not religious... and GOD said "reproduce and multiply" does that sound like everyone should be virgins? And, IMO... it is wrong for some churches to not allow its priests to marry... in such cases... they turn to pedophilia with the young boys... so who knows what about which religion???
  • Mike
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    Mike  •  3 hrs ago Report Abuse
    MP--I gave you the facts. You give me make believe fantasies formed in your empty head.

    St Paul says you should be chaste. St Augustine said you should remain a virgin and only fornicators should marry. The first Christians remained virgins for life. Jesus was unmarried, all of his disciples were unmarried.

    These are the people that founded the Christian religion--you didn't found it, you don't even understand or know it You're ignorance is pathetic.
  • Barry
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    Barry  •  3 hrs ago Report Abuse
    and the infertile people who cant have children?
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  3 hrs ago
    Who is to say... who cannot and who can have children,. that is left up to GOD. If they love each other and marry, most want to have children to carry on the family, but some cannot. Its all in GODs hands as to why or why not.
  • Mike
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    Mike  •  3 hrs ago Report Abuse
    How can someone who is not a Christians, who does not understand the Christian religion, who does not practice Christian values, who makes up her own definition of "christian" so that it suits her lifestyle choices speak about what god does or does not want or have planned. What utter and absolute arrogance.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  2 hrs 55 mins ago
    I am not arrogant Mike. I am speaking the truth, I have studied many religions... it is something I love to do... and I am always lead by the spirit of GOD... because... that is what I do :) Not for any reason... except that I must do it. Do a web search on motherpope... you might be a bit surprised... try thinking outside the box Mike :)
  • Mike
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    Mike  •  2 hrs 49 mins ago Report Abuse
    Yet, you still know nothing about the Christian religion, its founding, its beliefs, its practices. You are indeed in your own box, one that you fashioned to suit your lifestyle, your needs, your world view--it has precious little to do with Christianity. So I can assure you, you do not know the mind of god, you cannot know what spirit is driving you (I'm certain it is not god's)--I rather suspect it is a willful, self-obsessed mindset that drives you. And I certainly don't need a web search to see that you are lost and have absolutely no standing to tell others that they are not sacred.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  2 hrs 47 mins ago
    Mike, I believe Jesus was secretly married... and I believe that sex is natural... and the reason the forefathers of Christianity were against sex is because it got so many young people in trouble. Having sex and making babies is how we continue to exist as a people... how can anyone say that is wrong?... There is such thing as TRUE LOVE that goes beyond mankinds understanding... thats why sex was feared... it could cause a lot of trouble... and people were murdered for doing it... they still are under Islam... If GOD wanted people to NOT have sex, HE would of 'not' made Eve for Adam!
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  2 hrs 46 mins ago
    and Mike... you have a right to your opinion... but that doesn't mean its right.
  • Mike
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    Mike  •  2 hrs 36 mins ago Report Abuse
    The founding, dogma and history of the Christian religion is not an "opinion", they are all facts. You are incapable of understanding these facts and are unwilling to study them for your edification. So indeed, everything you have stated is an opinion, even less an opinion since they are based on willful ignorance and fabrication intended as a defense for your life view and life style. Ignorance is indeed bliss isn't it when you can make up life's rules for yourself and to pound others you do not approve of over the head. Arrogance, ignorance, certainty--all sins at which you excel.
  • Mike
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    Mike  •  2 hrs 28 mins ago Report Abuse
    As for your penultimate statements: There is no proof Jesus was married. Your "belief" is based on your imagination and nothing more. And I can tell you it is not an accepted position of the Christian faith that on one hand you purport to defend and on the other you slap across the face.

    As for sex, ignorance is once again your friend. Jesus came to this world to tell people not to be of this world but to set their sights on heaven. And to this end, the Christian religion was an ascetic undertaking--put aside world goods and worldly pleasures. There was no need to have children in the Christian era because Jesus would return and destroy the world and everyone then living. You continue to refer to Adam and Eve--yet Jesus came to the world to change it---nothing was as it had been before. Now there was no need for sex or children or perpetuating mankind.

    And if true love is beyond understanding, then you have no business telling same sex couples they cannot love--because it is indeed beyond your understanding.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  2 hrs 21 mins ago
    Ummm excuse me, you don't know what I have studied... you don't know me at all! Especially with you saying those sort of things about me without even knowing who I am and what I have done in my life... but GOD will show you one day... I pray for your understanding of the true nature of GOD! You are no one to judge me, for I will only be judged by my FATHER who sent me... to inspire people to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... Oh, btw... I have gay friends whom I love dearly... ya see, I don't judge people. But I do know that homosexuality is an abomination to GOD, always has been, always will be. However people have the FREEDOM to choose that lifestyle if they will... but it still doesn't make it right with GOD. GOD said, 'since the beginning of time there has been those sort of people, but we as Christians do not do it' :)
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  2 hrs 18 mins ago
    No, my belief is based on the spirit within me... and the way you tell it, no wonder there are so many atheists... And I said... GOD HIMSELF knew that Adam needed Eve :)
  • Mike
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    Mike  •  2 hrs 1 min ago Report Abuse
    I can tell you haven't studied Christianity because you clearly know nothing about it.

    And again, your contemptible arrogance--god will show me one day what you have done with your life? You must think yourself cosmically important--laughable really. And you can pray all you like--what makes you think god cares about your petty self-important desires and wishes. More arrogance.

    Now your "belief" is based on a spirit that is within you. Yet you think this mumbo jumbo belief system you've created for yourself so that you be perfect while the world around "you" is evil, is biblical. Yet more self-obsession and total arrogance.

    BTW, god told adam and ever to have sex, not get married. Jesus came, then there was no more need for procreation. But then, you sound like a pseudo-christian with no need for a christ.

    I think we've determined absolutely now that you are no Christian and are certainly in no position whatever to be pounding others over the head with your special-make-believe-motherpope-brand of voodooism+mysticism+self-obsessed-holier-than-thou hatred and judgment.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  1 hr 14 mins ago
    O Yahoo... your gonna censor my statement that I need Christ more than I need the air that I breath ? What happened to the rest of my post yahoo? Really? Am I that scary?
  • EJ
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    EJ  •  1 hr 11 mins ago Report Abuse
    fudge packing
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  1 hr 6 mins ago
    I really think its NOT fair that yahoo took away my whole post! That was wrong yahoo.. it took me time and energy to answer and POOF... Mike must be one of yahoo people who delete peoples posts.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope  •  1 hr 5 mins ago
    So there is really NOT freedom of speech on yahoo... :(
  • Mike
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    Mike  •  52 mins ago Report Abuse
    No, I don't report posts. It was god's mysterious will at work, since his hands are found in everything we do.
  • MotherPope
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    MotherPope • a second agoRemove
    No... Mike... It shows the people are not wanting to hear about Jesus and GOD... and don't worry... this wont stop me from doing what I need to do...

     OK, now here's what I posted.. that was deleted.
    Mike, you really have no clue now do you? About me and what I do. I do happen to feel I am cosmically important to the ones who love me... and their gonna miss me when I'm gone lol... wrote a song about it and they hate it when I sing it... but it is the way it is :)  Of course GOD cares about my desires and wishes... HE is there for me always... wanna know a recent prayer that was answered... (this may be why Yahoo censored) There is a friend who works for a man whose son is the man of the drug house... He buys women with drugs and money and altho I didn't know the current  woman drugged up in his bed... when I heard she was pregnant, I cried out to GOD, "Please Lord, do not allow this child to be born into this drug house with a horrible father and a drugged up whore for a mother... the child will not have a good life, I pray for the best interest of the child Lord, Please"... and guess what happened? I can tell you there is power in prayer especially when GOD feels the same way about it. 
    And I am not perfect... I have problems in my life too... we all do. I never professed to be perfect, maybe a little OCD about cleaning the floors or doing the dishes. But what I am is the SPIRIT of GOD within me... And altho there are many good people doing good things in the world... there is much evil in the world too!
    And what the HELLO is this? >>>you sound like a pseudo-christian with no need for a christ.<<< Mike, I need Christ more than I need the air that I breath! Because without Jesus Christ in my life... well, I would probably already be dead by now. And who is the the 'we' that has decided with you that I am not a real Christian? HAHAHA... And FYI, I am not special... When Jesus died on that cross, He didn't die just for me and my sins... he died for ALL who seek the true GOD. I am not special... anyone can have GOD in their heart if they just ask... That promise is not only for me... but for anyone who cares to learn about the GOD of LOVE... who sent Jesus to teach us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... DO GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER... and if you remember, Jesus and his disciples were known as a motley crew... unaccepted by Holy Men in the temples and churches, remember the Holy Men who demanded the death of Jesus?... Nothing I say is make believe... or voodoo and I am not a mystic... I am just a Grandmother who wants to spread the good news... GOD can live in your heart too if you just ask... 
    Have you asked Mike? Have you? 

    Now that was the end of my answer to him. I guess it was to much for the people at yahoo to take, especially about my last prayer request. I have a whole list of prayers that GOD has answered. And HE will answer them for anyone who asks:) All you have to do is ASK GOD to come and live in your heart and mind.... AND HE WILL! 

    Update; I now have 27 thumbs up from this post! :)

    • C C  •  13 hrs ago Report Abuse
      MotherPope, be careful how much you advocate GOD's law as US law. If the majority of this country switches to Sharia law we could finally drape a curtain over your head and tell you to shut up unless you were asked to speak.

      Separation of church and state is the law of the land to protect even you from that kind of abuse.

      Don't get me wrong I don't believe in Gay marriage myself. But I also believe that my Christian religious beliefs are between "me" and "my maker" and its not my place to force them on anyone else.

      Also I believe in the US Constitution as a whole and that includes protecting the rights of the people I may not agree with, including gay and religious bigots such as yourself.
    • Mike
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      Mike  •  12 hrs ago Report Abuse
      The bible is already quite clear that women are NOT to instruct men in religion: "I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent." 1 Timothy 2. But the bible does not apply to MP (that is inconvenient for MP's lifestyle choices), it only applies to gays. LOL--the hypocrisy is astounding.
    • StrangeMagic/AlmostHuman
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      StrangeMagic/AlmostHuman  •  4 hrs ago Report Abuse
      The second some worthless religious nut thinks they have a right to impact anothers existancebecause of what ther non exsistant god says, it's time for them to be shown the door.
    • Rob Merton
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      Rob Merton  •  2 hrs 58 mins ago Report Abuse
      Gay-ists do not content themseft to be let take their lust where the pup is, but they want to pipi and pup on everything else; especially the sacred! Sounds like Satan at work.
    • MotherPope
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      MotherPope • a second agoRemove
      CC, I do not advocate GODS law as mans law... mans law is not always morally or ethically correct...but Gods law is! And I agree with you about the separation of church and state benefits not only me, but all the others too, who speak out with their opinion. I am not forcing my beliefs on anyone CC... but I wont shut my mouth if GOD tells me to speak, I have tried that already and it doesn't work... God gets irritated with me and wont let me have any peace until I do what HE says... I don't care if everyone believes me or not... I am not here to please men, I am here to please GOD... when I meet my maker, I don't want HIM to be mad at me for not doing what I am told to do! And Mike, mock me all you want... And Its true the men didn't want the women to speak... CAUSE THEY WOULD STAND UP FOR THEIR RIGHTS! GOD dwells in women just as much as HE does men. I do not have anything special that does not apply to all who seek, I am not a babe in the Lord... I am 35 years old in the Lord. Thousands of years ago woman did NOT have a voice... a hundred years ago, women did NOT have the vote... but we've come a long way... (well, unless your muslim... women have no rights under Sharia Law). Mike, I pray that you very soon find the TRUTH of the LIVING GOD WHO LIVES WITHIN THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF HIS PEOPLE... not just men... HIS PEOPLE... and I do know when to be quiet, but now is not the time! Now is the time to SHOUT UNTO THE MOUNTAINTOPS... Try reading REV 21; 3! Hello! :) Sometimes... things are not what they seem... They hated Jesus and they will hate the followers of Jesus too... people like you... Mike and others who lack understanding! Sad, You got all that book learnin' but you lack the SPIRIT!


      •  but you lack the SPIRIT!
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 19 hrs ago Report Abuse
        God is not telling you to do anything. If you think it is, you need counseling. And you are not "in the Lord". You are not a "Christian". As I've previously related to you, you have your own thing going that is self-obsessive. I just gave you a quote from the Bible that forbids you to speak of religion to men--yet here you are laying one sin on the other. I suspect Satan is who you are hearing and it is his Spirit who has inhabited you.
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  1 day 19 hrs ago
        Mike, you are entitled to your opinion... just because you are the one responding to my posts doesn't mean you are the one I am reaching out to. You have no clue about me nor what I am nor what I do... and I am not preaching to you... I am just posting my opinion. You don't have to read it!
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 19 hrs ago Report Abuse
        . . . Timothy said a woman must remain SILENT. Do you need help understanding what SILENT means? It seems like you have no idea.
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 19 hrs ago Report Abuse
        "Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (I Timothy 2:11-14)
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 19 hrs ago Report Abuse
        "Of the woman came the beginning of sin, and through her we all die." (Eccles. 25:22)
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 19 hrs ago Report Abuse
        "A shameless woman shall be counted as a dog." (Eccles.26:25)
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 19 hrs ago Report Abuse
        "For from garments cometh a moth, and from women wickedness. Better is the churlishness of a man than a courteous woman, a woman, I say, which bringeth shame and reproach." (Eccles. 42:13-14)
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  1 day 18 hrs ago
        And Jesus DIED for women's sins just as well as men's... we are equal in the eyes of our Lord! For all have sinned... not one is perfect. I have seen some pretty wicked men in my life! :)
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 18 hrs ago Report Abuse
        Motherpope doesn't believe in the Bible. Except for the sentence about about gays. The rest she ripped out and threw in the garbage heap.
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 18 hrs ago Report Abuse
        This is your typical hypocrite who fancies themselves a Christian. They ignore all of the Bible that relates to THEM. They take the other parts and hit their enemies over the head with it. What a sad and pathetic lot they are. Hypocrites all. And they expect to see god---lol.
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  1 day 18 hrs ago
        Even the devil can quote scripture Mike :)
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  1 day 18 hrs ago
        This coming from a man who writes GOD as god... lol
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 18 hrs ago Report Abuse
        And as we've seen you've done the devil's work well MP.

        You are a mess. You know nothing about Christianity. You do not practice the religion. You hate the bible. You refuse to accept the bible as god's word. You sin over and over again. You call quotes from the bible the words of satan.
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  1 day 18 hrs ago
        And you have no clue about me... your opinion is only speculation concerning my SPIRIT! So funny how you think you know me... when you know nothing about me... you just want to judge me with your arrogance! I read some of your posts to some friends here... and they say, you sound like your talking about yourself! I pray for you and your ill will...
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  1 day 18 hrs ago
        Mike, Look at the original post... I have 33 thumbs up and 10 thumbs down... so what does that tell you... Oh feel happy Mike, Your rude disrespect is noted!
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 18 hrs ago Report Abuse
        I know you from what you've written. You are clueless, bigoted and unchristian. I quote from the bible and you refuse to hear it. You only want to tell me how gays are sinful, while you commit one sin after the other yourself with complete indifference to the religion you claim to follow. That makes you a hypocrite. Don't like it, change your ways.
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 18 hrs ago Report Abuse
        I don't care how many thumbs are going in which direction. Jesus died on the cross with thumbs down to fulfill prophecy. You should follow Jesus instead of spitting on him.
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 18 hrs ago Report Abuse
        MP--you are the one with ill will--you came out hitting against gays. Do not be a liar on top of your other sins.
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  1 day 18 hrs ago
        You have not been reading my posts Mike... I have friends who are gay... I do not judge them... but it is in both the old and new testament that homosexuality is an abomination unto GOD... you need to read Romans chapter 1... Dude!
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 18 hrs ago Report Abuse
        And I read you the New and Old Testament where women are NOT to instruct men as you've done repeatedly----yet you ignore it!!!!!!! Hypocrite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Like I've said repeatedly and you refuse to address: You ignore the parts of the Bible that don't fit YOUR lifestyle while banging other people over the head with the other parts of the Bible because you hate them.

        There is no hope for you and never will be. What a shameful excuse for a human being.
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  1 day 18 hrs ago
        HAHAHA then why are you reading my posts? That scripture is about women speaking in the church... we are not in church... we are on a news board... where my voice is equal to yours... sounds like your sexist!
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  1 day 18 hrs ago
        The Bible says if you are not FOR Christ, then you are against Christ... which makes you part of the anti Christ! You quote scripture yet you deny Romans ch 1? HAHAHA you are the hypocrite, Sir!
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 18 hrs ago Report Abuse
        Timothy doesn't state in church---read the damned bible. I'm a sexist because I quote the bible. You're a Christian woman when you quote the bible. Hypocrite!
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 17 hrs ago Report Abuse
        This is what has become of "Christianity" in this country. It is a free for all ,believe what you will, make up what you like, disregard what you don't, proposition. It is used by the illiterate and fools to hammer their personal agenda onto others using as an excuse that there is a "higher authority" backing them up.

        As anyone can see from this exchange, this unfortunate woman knows nothing about the religion or the bible (except the bits she uses to clobber her enemies), makes up nonsense about spirits and how she is super special and her specialness will be revealed to mankind when god deems.

        Further, she refused, or more likely was completely incapable, of responding to even one single point I brought up. This, of course, is expected from someone who is completely bereft of knowledge, who is illiterate, and who makes up a religion on their own.

        This is why religion is foundering and will die and why, in the meantime, snake dancing and hill billy churches rise in numbers, catering to idiocy. Religion only appeals to the mental cases who should be looking for therapy instead and to bigots and haters who can hide behind their select bible verses.
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  1 day 15 hrs ago
        Notice I am up to 36 thumbs up?
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  1 day 13 hrs ago Report Abuse
        More brainless blathering. No wonder god want's women to keep their mouth's shut. This one can't even address one point. Witless.
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  1 day 11 hrs ago
        Mike, it is hard to communicate when yahoo censors certain truths... so I am going to be very delicate here. Thank you for hating me... the more you hate me, the stronger I get! :) I take your comments as compliments :) and do you know who was the last one waiting... alone... at the tomb of Jesus? A WOMAN. Your discounting women is so ancient... We have come of age! We are equal in the eyes of GOD! :) I am sure you are trying to accomplish something with all of the insults... but I and a group of my friends see you for what you really are! A liar. Get real, we are on a 'news board'... expressing 'opinions'... I would think that you must think I am pretty important to be even going on like you are. I want to be more specific, but I cannot. Yahoo would censor and I am really tired of them doing that. You have a good day Mike... and... never forget me... because... I love you :)
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  18 hrs ago Report Abuse
        MP, go back and read your first post. Apparently you forgot that you posted about "perversion" and that gays do not deserve to be married. Your hatred is what you grow strong on.

        Still----you are incapable of replying to even one of my posts. You are no christian. You are not spiritual. You are self-centered and self-important growing out of a compensation for lack of self-worth.
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  18 hrs ago
        And YOU sir, are no gentleman... but I admire your strength and determination... :)
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  18 hrs ago
        And if you go back and read my first post... it got 45 thumbs up! :) I would say that speaks for itself. No one is reading all your rants. And why? HAHAHA You are the one making me special! I never once said I was special... anyone can have what I have... it is a free gift from GOD when you ask HIM to live in your heart and mind.
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  18 hrs ago Report Abuse
        And you are no lady.
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  18 hrs ago Report Abuse
        And like I said, how many thumbs up did Jesus get when he was crucified? None.
        Popular opinion was meaningless to him and everything to you.
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  18 hrs ago
        again your wrong... so sad for you... :(
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  18 hrs ago
        ...seems very peculiar that I would even mean anything to you. Why are you wasting your time chatting with me?
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  17 hrs ago
        You need GOD? You can find HIM too! But, you have to ask HIM for forgiveness for all your sins... and you would then live with LOVE in your heart!
      • MotherPope
        0Thumbs UpThumbs Down2
        MotherPope  •  17 hrs ago
        Now I am feeling SAD for you... :( you have a stubborn block against GOD... you can FIX IT! :)
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  17 hrs ago Report Abuse
        Why should I ask for forgiveness? You continually and willfully disobey his commandment that you remain silent. You are the sinner and the sinner does not love god. Ah, that's right, you do not accept the parts of the bible that apply to you--you only read the homosexual parts. The hypocrisy is still astounding. You are lost and ignorant.
      • MotherPope
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        MotherPope  •  17 hrs ago
        Mike, GOD is not telling me to be quiet! Who is telling me to be quiet on a public news board? And... You need to ask HIM for forgiveness of the wrong things that you do. And in fact... I am cheered on... to continue speaking!
      • Mike
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        Mike  •  17 hrs ago Report Abuse
        Like I said, the Bible doesn't apply to you. LOL

        Typical "Christian"--can't follow the Bible themselves and spend all their time telling others how awful they are. Busy bodies telling everyone hoe they must follow the Bible--but you can't be bothered with it--parts you don't like--well, just say they don't apply to you. Hell will be filled to the brim with "Christians" like you.

        Absolute arrogance. Absolute hypocrisy. Absolutely hilarious.

        Until you can follow the Bible--every word of it--don't bother coming back to lecture me.
      • MotherPope
        0Thumbs UpThumbs Down1
        MotherPope  •  17 hrs ago
        Well, at least your laughing! :) And I follow the Bible as it has been revealed to me BY THE SPIRIT of GOD! :) Not by men... And I believe I wont be seeing any part of HELL, my LOVE! :)
      • Carlisle
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        Carlisle  •  7 hrs ago Report Abuse
        lmao, Mike you sir, are awesome. it's nice to have someone who actually has a clue post on here. Marriage has existed LONG before christianity ever came about. and if you believe in God, then you should understand that IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO JUDGE OTHERS! Bunch of Hypocrites.
      Haters are awesome! Haters make me know I am doing my job!


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