
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, September 09, 2012

My Thoughts On The Political Conventions :)

As I posted on yahoo news on the 6th, 'I guess if you sprinkle a few truths in with the lies, the people will tend to believe the lies'. I do honestly believe that the people believe the lies, innocently. They're just narrow minded and they WANT to believe so badly!!

I want to post my thoughts on both the conventions, yes, I watched both of them on PBS and later on 'channel 2', when they started. I would like to start with the Dems... 
I was surprised to see a nun... with a bus load of nuns... when all the time the gov is saying 'seperation of church and state'... and all of a sudden they have some nuns on board... and a nice one to boot! So which is it? Is there a link between church and state after all? Hmmm... I wonder.
And the workers of GM... now this is what I don't get... WHY? Why didnt Obama, instead of giving all that money to the powers that be at GM... why didnt he go to the PEOPLE who are in debt to GM and pay off 'their' bills? WHY? If the current gov is 'for the people' why didnt it happen like that? Instead of giving money to BIG BUSINESS, which by the way... is whom he wants to take more money from! I guess some rich men dont care if they give their money to the gov and some do!  For me, personally, I wish we would have a FLAT 9% TAX, like the other guy wanted... 

Which brings me to another firm belief...
We are giving our medical dollars to the wrong people! Dont pay the gov or the ins co's for what we can pay the Drs directly! It is the Dr's whom we get personal with... not the GOV or the INS companies. Our DRs know whats best for us... that suits our individual needs! SO why are we bringing all these other people into our medical care to rape and pillage the money (red tape and dictates who gets what)? And this Sandra who spoke at the dem convention, why is she speaking out against Romney? He isnt even in yet and she has already had the problem. Here is what I understanding, This woman was MAD because her current insurance was not covering her birth control. What does Romney have to do with her current/past issue?  I agree with the majority of the people... 'I paid for my own birth control' too. Is this woman so afraid that she may come across a man whom she wants to sleep with and he wont have a condom? I mean if your sleeping around like that, you have to be more protected than just birth control pills. You need to wrap something. Male or female, they make condoms to fit all shapes and sizes.
Now... then... I must say... I don't like to be yelled at... is that what they resorted to, to get our attention?

Mrs.Obama, now I must say... I can't help but like this woman. She is firm and strong with her children and I always admire a woman like that. And I believe she is loyal to her husband... but then again... so is Hillary Clinton and so is Ann Romney, among others. What I found interesting is she didnt talk about Obamas 'paternal roots'. This really bothers me because people need to know that info. People really need to know the the truth of that matter, for sure. I believe that Obama has been groomed by unmentionable people for years... I believe the muslims intend to press Sharia Law world wide and Obama is their western hope. I honestly dont think that every single dem in the whitehouse agrees with all of this. But it is moving in so slowly that we dont notice it to much. A muslim person just today told me that one day I will be crying for Sharia Law... HA! NO... I think NOT... because I FIRMLY believe in the FREEDOM of the PEOPLE! Sharia Law is not people friendly. It hacks off the hands of young boys for theft! It murders young woman on a whim... and if the father or brother or uncle or grandfather doesn't do the deed, the mob outside in the street will. People need to educate yourselves to Sharia Law. Do the web search... 'Sharia Law'... 'honor killings in America'... 'muslims destroy churches'... there is a whole world of truth out there that people are not realizing is going on, cause we are so caught up in TV... music and video games... or 'other hobbies'...  I don't think even Hillary knows what it all means... if you have not read the Koran yourself, you cannot know. I have read it. I know their plan. And it may seem all perfect and beautiful like in Qatar, but there is hidden secrets that will soon come to light for all of us to see! And it really makes me wonder, because these woman say they wear their covering for modesty... but they wear their jeans so skin tight you can see every curve of their arse and inner thighs... and they paint their face up... to attract men?... but I thought they didn't want to feed into the lusts of the men? I just dont get all that... how is a cloth covering only the head and neck gonna stop the men from ooogling their arse??? How will women survive as a priority under Sharia Law? How can women win being owned and sold like cattle, and slaughtered if they make one mistake? I think there are a lot of vermin in the earth and we need some pest control!
And now to Clinton... it comes to no surprise to the people who know me, that I vote for the lessor evils... and Clinton was young and handsome and really created a great show... and I voted for him... the first time. I am not reb or dem... so dont judge me by those 2 words. I will vote for the one I like the best. And I do that by what I see. Now I see 3 of my closest friends, who are on disability... get denied, certain medicines and treatments... I have seen my friends lose their homes and their jobs... and I am seeing them having to go to the welfare lines to get their 'fair share'... It used to be the church that handed out the help... and they also will show you a better way to live your life. However, there have been MEN... who have professed to be GODLY, but have acted against GOD... we have seen this from the beginning of time... even King David himself displeased GOD. But our GOD is a forgiving GOD and HE helps only those who are humble and admit their mistakes and they realize that they LOVE GOD more than they love themselves or the things of the flesh/earth... and any man who has loved a woman who was married and 'unavailable'... they do live in the flesh and make moral mistakes... due to the 'lusts of the flesh'. My own sin is food, it isnt sex (anymore), or drugs or lies... its FOOD... I fight it every day because I find I am very weak when it comes to food... so much so that I have asked my kids NOT to bring me certain foods anymore (they love to feed me)... yes, food is my weakness... and people may laugh at that because they have great control... well... we all have our sins... I work on staying away from food like an alcoholic stays away from alcohol... but it is harder for me cause we all gotta eat and when I get a taste for something and get it... I totally enjoy it. Yeah, I am going to keep working on that too. I am already doing good. And am down to ummm black coffee as breakfast and very small healthy meals. Anyways I could write a book about losing weight and getting healthy, but that is not what I want to do here today.

Now C. Kennedy... I have always admired Caroline... loved her dad... but was always suspicious of Ted. I think Caroline is a great person... but again, I don't think she understands the consequences of Sharia Law. I think she should actually look into it. And she mentioned women and children, but what about our elderly? If I remember correctly under Obama care, the elderly are passed over to help the young (workers). Old folk are a burden on our healthcare system and I believe there are those who want to eliminate the sick old people altogether. Me? I think they should be made a priority, because ya don't get old without getting wise, usually stupid people don't survive past their 40's or 50's.

Another lovely lady, Madam Albright... but I sorta disagree that Obama 'won' when Osama Bin Ladin went down. Osama was a martyr, a pawn of Islam, from both Osama and Obamas perspectives. And Obama MUST support Israel in order to stay in good graces with the people. Most people agree that Israel is sanctioned within the hearts of many a nation. Ours as well. And I believe that Romney knew how little difference the killing of Osama would make, it was not a big deal in Islam, they believe they go straight to heaven and get 72 virgins and unlimited wine! HA! Yet here on earth, they are against the booze! (I think their drug of choice is opium). The killing of Osama was not a big deal in my eyes either... whether he is alive or dead, Islam continues to spread its Sharia wings farther and farther these days! And isn't it just like a muslim to blame another muslim? And what happened to a trial? Something seems fishy to me.  

I wonder how many of these dem speakers were bought? (side thought)

I believe the majority of the people are doing good... makes no difference that Obama is in the White House... We just need to get GOD back in the hearts and minds of the people! There are a lot of people doing a lot of good things and I LOVE THAT! :) So lets all stand UP for 'GOD' this time and see where that takes us!

Mr. Kerry? What FREE WORLD? I think the only place that can claim a free world is the elusive tribes in the thickest parts of the world, no electricity, no taxes, no crime, united in their clan... free of taxes and gov involvement in their lives!  

And who were those 2 goofy blonds? YIKES! 

The dems say that Mitt is confused... I believe that if Mitt is confused, its because hearing lies doesn't make sense to him. I can't remember who said he was confused, but fancy funny speech wont help the people to believe the lies.

I think Mitt is saving his courage for the debates... I would like to say I think Obama sold out GE to China... (why not a bail out like for GM? Could it be for the big wig muslims in the state of MI?) So many conflicting actions. America IS IN political decline... Intolerance? REALLY? Incredible debt? To WHOM? And just a reminder... Republicans are NOT going to take the country backwards... this is impossible with the people paying attention... Mitt is not going to wing it alone... he will have many helpers to help him keep it real. Including me... as I have been known to write a lot of letters to certain people :)

I believe we can solve a lot of worries by getting the muslims out of the White House... they are thick as thieves in there... Less dependence of foreign oil? I think its time the car makers make a new sort of car...  I have a GREAT idea of a new sort of transportation... a 'local cab like' business with a sort of rickshaw theme but totally enclosed, run on young leg power, either by one strong adult or 2... and of course the enclosure has A/C and heat, supplied by solar power... I think there is also a small motor also powered by solar power, but that can be cut off once the vehicle gets on a roll. That will cut out a lot of gas cars on the road. I would love to get into more detail about this... I see it as different colors and owned by the person driving them... (new jobs for the strong)... looks like there are different ways to create this... rolling power... but it looks to me like its chains and large tires on the back that will move with little effort. When I close my eyes I can see deeper and notice there is space in the back for people going to the store and wants to carry groceries or other things back home in them. Not kids... lol... they ride in the middle. I wish someone could see my vision!

We have NOT won the 911 war... it is ongoing... just the next muslim is ready to take over... At least Romney isnt knee deep with the muslims... at least he is hesitant about going there... At least his natural GOD given instincts can warn him! So, No, the '911 war' has not been won... it has merely just begun! 

Last summer when Obama was working with the Republicans... on 'new tax breaks for the wealthy'... weren't you thinking that 'the more money a person has the more they will spend it'? Or 'leave it to their family for support and use'? And the more they can 'invest in new businesses'? We live in America... where we have the pursuit of happiness... and if it makes a man happy to work hard and make lots of money? Why take it away from him? There will be no incentive to work!

And about Obamacare... My dad is taking the same medicine that I take, for me, its a 4$ monthly prescription. For him, medicare is not only charged, but his part is 350.00! A MONTH! Now how is that right? Its really messed up in my way of thinking! Can ya wrap your head around that one? I can't!

All in all, it was a good pep talk Obama! 

Now about Reb convention... well... I LOVED ALL OF IT! LOVED Clint, even if I didn't get what he was doing at first... (sometimes it takes me a minute!) HAHAHA 

I think the Romneys will bring the LOVE back into the WHITE HOUSE! Mitt may not be perfect, but nobody is. At least Mitt is not descended from the muslims... at least Mitt will be educated and powerful and determined enough to stand strong. Mitt wasn't my original choice, but I was bound and determined to get the mislim influence out of the White House... so I would vote for anyone with enough power to vote against Obama. Its not that I HATE Obama (like the muslims think I do)... its because I LOVE Obama that I think he needs to check out and go home. He too, is a mere pawn in the game of politics!



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