I Threw Away $150.00 Bucks!
And shhhhh about it.... heres the story, my babies daddy came in and handed me 3 gay porn dvd's... He said he thinks one of his nephews was hiding them, it was his Grandpas truck so who knows who put them there... I stood in shock... as I looked at pics on the cover... I could of gone the rest of my life without seeing them. I remember years ago... my X's brother and sister in law owned a video rental store. I was going to work for them, I told her I just wanted to watch her and see if I wanted to work there... There was a room off to the side... where you had to be over 18 to get in there... and I had never been in a place like that before... but when I was walking in the back storage... I noticed there was gay porn... "what tha?" I asked X my sis in law about it and she told me that she kept them in the back, she didnt put them out in the side room behind the curtain... wow... I had never seen gay porn before and she offered for me to take a look. When it started, my jaw dropped open... I had never seen a man go after a man like that. I was shocked, we took it out before it got to much into it... we watched maybe 10 minutes of it... nothing real graffic, I was glad she stopped it.
So my BD is telling me he found the movies in the truck behind the seat... I am like "WHAT?" I looked at the horrible pics... saw the handsome men on there... and was disgusted. Walked over to the garbage and threw them in. "Wait!" He said, those are 50$ a piece... I pulled them out... sure enough they were marked $49.99 each! He says, "we can sell them." I look at him like "HA, right... Im gonna sell them... lol... well then give them to Allen... 'OK, I will give them Allen."... (Allen is a gay friend).
But the minute he turned his back... I slipped them into the garbage... I didnt want to argue with my man... yet I didnt want to spread the yuckness!
Yeah I lied... and I am glad of it!
So my BD is telling me he found the movies in the truck behind the seat... I am like "WHAT?" I looked at the horrible pics... saw the handsome men on there... and was disgusted. Walked over to the garbage and threw them in. "Wait!" He said, those are 50$ a piece... I pulled them out... sure enough they were marked $49.99 each! He says, "we can sell them." I look at him like "HA, right... Im gonna sell them... lol... well then give them to Allen... 'OK, I will give them Allen."... (Allen is a gay friend).
But the minute he turned his back... I slipped them into the garbage... I didnt want to argue with my man... yet I didnt want to spread the yuckness!
Yeah I lied... and I am glad of it!
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