Finally Got Through To The Muslims!
Thank GOD that I was able to stand strong. Lots of times I want to quit, but I keep going because its the right thing to do. I was going edit the post here today but I think that would take all the fun out of it... seeing the hate as well as the misuderstandings and finally the understanding! I cant let this go by without posting a copy here, because it is proof that some will listen!
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Ernest • 8 hrs ago
I'm ashamed and embarrassed of my country. We look down on the Germans for what they did to the Jews but we are heading that way in this country as well w/ respect to the Muslims.
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A Yahoo! User • Albuquerque, New Mexico • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
I'm ashamed of my country as well. We'll realize when it's too late for the sake of being politically correct!
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VoteOutTheClown • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
I am ashamed of Ernest
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truth seeker • Omaha, Nebraska • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
You hit the spot Ernest. A neighbor of mine, a very old veteran, stated the same about how Nazism started with the scapegoating of a certain group (Jews) and how it went out of control. He tears up talking about how the same sentiment is coming to his own country.
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twiceshy • Dallas, Texas • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
You are a #$%$ Ernest. Muslims have killed thousands of Americans and have vowed to destroy us. But good old Ernest, he knows to let your enemy right in the front door so they can take over that much easier.
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G • Columbia, Maryland • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
You all are wrong we are scape goating the latino populations and then the islamic population.
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Mohammad • Austin, Texas • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
Fear is being used to propogate political positions. Don't beleive everything Fox News tell you.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 8 hrs ago
But... we dont want to murder all non Americans. The muslims have Sharia Law that tells them they can legally murder all non muslims... in Islamland... and in their Koran, they are instructed to spread Sharia Law WORLDWIDE... they are instructed to do this for allah. I wish people could read all the news from all the world that tells how muslims are legally murdering... still... It has not stopped. They play pretend to be our friends, then their jihad comes in and murders... and its all OK. The all forgiving Americans dont know what the muslims have planned. Do a web search on Sharia Law... and learn what they have planned for the USA when they infilterate and get enough votes to vote in Sharia. Beware! Muslims are NOT our friends! First and foremost, they will murder all the gays and anyone having sex outside of marriage. PEOPLE! Educate yourselves to the horrors of Sharia...
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Ernest • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
The "idea" of America transcends race, religion, and culture. Once we try to put a specific face upon America we lose the soul of America, which is a place for every race, creed, religion, and culture to find their niche within. To simply say "Muslims have killed thousands of us so we should....." is absolutely wrong. Germans killed thousands of us, Vietnamese killed thousands of us, we killed thousands of us (Civil War)... Sadly everybody kills everybody, it's human nature and not a monopoly held by the Muslims. Each episode in our history presents us with another boogey man to be fought against. What we fail to realize is, barring exterior differences and cultural masks , we are just humans fighting humans. We get caught up in the current issue and lose the bigger picture.. It's a sad commentary on human nature, currently illustrated by a a large population of xenophobic, ignorant and scared US citizens...
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Captain Crunch • Fairfield, Connecticut • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
The Jews weren't practicing world domination at all costs. The Jew weren't practicing that women should be sub-humans, not deserving of the same rights as of men. The Jews weren't saying that gay people should be MURDERED IN THE STREET. The Jews weren't saying that a poor girl who was RAPED has brought shame to her family and can be legally MURDERED. You twit Ernest. It's people like you that ALLOW two faced, forked tongued organizations such as Islam to flourish here in the West. Just wait until they murder your daughter for being raped and see how you feel about them Ernest. Comparing them to Jews in WWII is an insult to the Jewish people.
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G • Columbia, Maryland • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
Motherpope, What you say is true, in a lot of the world, however like Christianity, 600 years or so the catholic church was doing the same thing. It’s a little thing i like to call the Spanish inquisition. Now this being said the jews did this same thing a few hundred years before Christianity sprung up. With these historical events in mind and taking into the fact that Islam was 900 years younger than Christians they are doing what their predecessors did before them, as Islam and Christianity came from the sons of Abraham. Now those of us in the USA (99.9%) are where Christians are now, we reject the teachings of violence.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 8 hrs ago
...muslims only have insults... maybe I should be like the muslims and throw a party and dance in the street because this mosque was burned down... like they had a party and danced in the streets when 911 happened.
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hanson • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
Yes, Ernest...those are the ideals we are trying to uphold and defend.....from muzlims, who do not share those values. To just say we believe in those values without being willing to defend them from those who want to replace it with sharia law, is foolish and suicidal. If you defend enemies of the US - then you, too, are the enemy.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 8 hrs ago
Ernest, IT IS STILL HAPPENING TODAY! Innocent women and children die EVERY FRIKKIN DAY, legally under Sharia! You people are NOT reading the world news! If they were not doing this still... I would not be saying a word about them. But they legally kill innocents!
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John • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
Motherpope why don't you leave the comments to people who aren't brain damaged.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 8 hrs ago
You muslims are just mad cause I know your agenda! I am not the only one who is onto you muslims... there are LOTS of people who are becoming aware of what SHaria Law means... EDUCATE YOURSELVES Americans... they dont want you to! They want you to be distracted with other things while they creep in unaware! Do a web search of Sharia Law... they dont want you to!
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DanielS • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
Most Muslims around the world were NOT partying during 9/11. Most of them were not even aware of Al Queda, and were horrified and spoke out against such terrorism. It was only after George Bush lumped them all together with Al Queda, and used lies to invade Iraq (a SECULAR nation and enemy of Bin Laden) and ignored the Geneva Convention and created Gitmo to hold prisoners without any legal representation or even being charged with a crime -- only then was Al Queda able to start recruiting and radicalizing more and more Muslims who were angered by our behavior AFTER 9-11. We went from being an extremely popular country in world opinion to a universally deplored and derided country. Thanks to Bush and our general ignorance. (And dont tell me how the world is better off without Saddam - as horrible as he was, he kept a heavy lid on extremism in his country and that is the reason why Bush's father left him in place. Now Iraq - under our supervision - has become the new headquarters for Al Queda.)
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G • Columbia, Maryland • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
MotherPope i am not mad I even said you were correct with the exceptions to most of us who are here. What say you Pope?
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Vetteman • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
Mother pope, You are right on!! I Love when Idiot Liberals and Muslims apologists defend their religion, and the very religion they defend has NO tolerance for non Muslims... Oh and I also LOVE when the same Left wing idiots compare what is happening to the Muslims in this country to what Nazi Germany did to the Jews. The Jews don't kill non Jews, and the BEST part is that the Nazi's trained and armed an SS division of MUSLIMS during World War 2!!! I wonder why the Nazi's and Muslims got along so well??? Gee... was it World Domination???? and intolerance for anyone other then their belief system??? HHHHmmmm! Read your History people. Don't believe what NBC, CBS, and ABC tell us. The Liberals are the intolerant ones!!!
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less is more • San Rafael, California • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
how you paint any religion with such generalaties is mind numbing and just plain ignorant.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 7 hrs ago
Daniel, I know its not all muslims... because I have a whole list of muslims who are my friends... and they are HAPPY that I am fighting the system that murders their daughters and kills young innocents... but they cant say it because they would get murdered too!
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Ernest • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
Wow the hate and ignorance is just pouring out of the woodwork like roaches. No point in defending what's worth defending in America. It's one thing to be afraid of ones government. What is it when you have to fear the citizens themselves?? And Capt. Crunch, I absolutely DO compare what happened to the Jews in Germany with what is happening here w/ the Muslims, in the sense that it started w/ general ostracism and advanced to harassment, progressing later to a loss of rights and privileges until it became subjugation, internment, and finally extermination. Show me where beyond 9/11 Muslims have harmed you, attacked your country, and tried to change your way of life?? Hasn't happened. Who is occupying whose backyard??? To paint a broad stroke upon 2 billion human beings as being killers and bloodthirsty is ignorant at best and immensely dangerous at its worst. Do you know what percent of the Muslim population practices Jihad against the west and has any direct threat against you?? Less than a fraction of a fraction of 1%.... They may not like the west, they may saber rattle and pontificate but in REALITY do very little to affect us or threaten our way of life. We ourselves have a much more successful track record of carrying out our threats. The reality here is far different than the fantasy of hate and ignorance that has been stirred up in this country.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 7 hrs ago
Thank You G... sorry I didnt mean to imply anything deragatory towards you. I really liked what you said! And just like in the past... the people will rise up and stop the bloodshed... I am just here to help the AMerican people be on guard because I read world news and I see what the muslims are... More
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Jake • Houston, Texas • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
@Motherpope....sooo Muslims are trying to spread their religion and that's wrong? Maybe all those missionaries spreading the "good word" of Christ should just come back then? Oh wait, you consider their beliefs wrong because they don't match your own. Go play in traffic.
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AgileAtheist • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
Motherpope you are a gullible idiot. If you're afraid of the 2% of Muslims here instilling Shariah law over the US CONSTITUTION, you should commit suicide by starving yourself to death. It's obvious you get most of your information from watching TV and reading message boards written by more of your ilk
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Ernest • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
That is where you are wrong Motherpope. Have you asked them if Sharia Law is their purpose?? Otherwise your just assuming. Using your reasoning, shouldn't every devout Christian desire to see a Christian world?? Supporting someone, wanting something vs. actually DOING something is quite different. There's not a scintilla of evidence that the Muslims want to take over the world. It's laughable!!! Take Iran for instance.. How many countries are they occupying right now and how many have they invaded?? How about us? Truth is usually different than perception. Even in many Muslim dominated countries Sharia law is not the defacto code. Turkey, Jordan, Syria (even evil dictatorship Syria isn't Sharia)... Only our good buddies the Saudi's practice Sharia Law, but we tolerate that for oil... They Muslims that would put everything into living here are here because of what America IS, not what they would like it to BE. Motherpope, don't you study history?? Don't you remember the RED SCARE?? There was a Commie behind every smiling face, I every branch and department of GOVT., behind the actors in Hollywood, everywhere just ready to jump out and get us!!!....And all that fear and paranoia for NOTHING. Never happened, never will... Fear and paranoia breed all kinds of nasty side effects.... It leads otherwise level headed people to turn extremist, ultra nationalistic, racist and xenophobic. Look in the mirror if you want to find something to really be afraid of. Until you recognize this we are in trouble, collectively that is...
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AgileAtheist • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
They'll never understand. You are speaking of concepts above their level of comprehension. It's ok, as with every other species, however, the weaker dumber ones are slowly phased out. This is what is happening every day to the far right wingers. They are nearing extinction.
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Dude Manrod • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
Can you imagine what would happen if our country became a Christian theocracy? Read Leviticus. It has all kinds of nice things that we should visit upon all non-Christians, people who eat shellfish, gays, people who wear mixed fabric clothing, etc.
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Karan • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
We are the world... we are the children...
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No islam • New York, New York • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
ernest jihad yourself #$%$ moooslime terrorist
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Edward • Sao Paulo, Brazil • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
You need to listen closely to what Ernest is saying...especially about the parts of propagating fear.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 6 hrs ago
Leviticus is the OLD testament Dude. We live in the NEW testament. I dont assume anything Ernest. And I dont watch TV much at all. Do web searches on Sharia Law... do a web search on 'churches destroyed by muslims' see what the new muslim brotherhood Prez in Egypt is doing to the churches there! I honestly think the good people of America will stop the muslims plan... because when the Declaration of Independance turns on the people... the people will turn on the gov. Has anyone read about how the children of Mali stood up against Sharia Law and stopped the chopping off of the hands of a boy... under Sharia Law if you steal... even food... you get your hands chopped off. Read it now! Do a web search. You people think I am stupid! HA! The last laugh will be on you! Uh, HELLO!
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 6 hrs ago
I have many muslims on my IM telling me what they do in Islamland... and as long as their own people are crying out... to expose the corruption... I will rant.
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April • Athens, Georgia • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
I read these comments so I can remember how IGNORANT most of Americans are about the world. Nice job reminding me, Motherpope.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 6 hrs ago
Fear is a natural born instinct that says BEWARE! How can we know to fear if we are not understanding the truth. Do not denounce the benefits of fear.
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farah • Bandar Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
Motherpope. I'm sorry but you're wrong about Islam. WAaaay wrong. I wish you would just give the Quran a go. Read it and not just to look for more proof that Islam is evil but to see the different side of Islam, the beautiful side of it.
17:53, 54 And tell my servants that they should speak in a most kindly manner (unto those who do not share their beliefs). Verily, Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men; for verily; Satan is mans foe .... Hence, We have not sent you (Unto men O Prophet) with power to determine their Faith.
Most Muslims I know believe this . We don't see the need to go around forcing our faith down people's throats and we certainly have better things to do then run around killing non Muslims.I really wish you'd stop being so paranoid. There's more than a billion Muslims around the world and we're everywhere. If you really believe that all we do all day is plot against the non Muslims, I 'd say you need to bolt your doors and never come out of your house again.
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Ernest • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
Motherpope, there aren't any Muslim plans to stop in the first place. It must be a scary thing to actually think this way. And Christians may live in the NEW Testament but Christ specifically says he didn't come to destroy the law but to fulfill it, so please don't try to separate the two. And all this Sharia Law boogey man stuff you keep pushing is a red herring.. There's no threat of this law taking hold in our country. If a country like Jordan or Turkey, which is vastly Muslim, can be relatively progressive and Sharia free then how in the world do you think we will embrace it here? there's not the population for it nor will there ever realistically be. There are lots of things to fear out there that are actually real.. This boogeyman isn't one of them.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 6 hrs ago
Farah, I have read the Koran myself and I admit there are some very beautiful enticing things about it. I myself agree with some. But... theres the murdering of innocents that bothers me. I guess I wouldnt be so worried if I wasnt aware that even today women are being murdered legally under Sharia Law. Women are FORCED to marry their rapists or die... and if it was any other time, I would be standing up for others... Christians or Jew... I dont care. The thing is. see. I AM AWARE of what Sharia Law is doing and I am going to tell people about it no matter what anyone says... sure Islam looks cool from the outside if you dont know whats going on in the inside. So even tho I am most unpopular on this stance... the people can decide for themselves what is RIGHT and GOOD. Sharia Law is an abomination unto the children. Innocent children YES.. even today used by jihad... If I didnt know... I wouldnt be upset about it
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 6 hrs ago
Ernest I understand what your saying... and logically the AMerican people wont have the SHaria here, (they'd rather fight than switch) even tho some muslims are trying to get it imposed here already... but if I dont YELL and SHOUT out about something that is so horrible... I couldnt live with myself. The persecution of the Jews and Christians IS going on in Turkey and Africa and France and EGYPT... AS WE DEBATE HERE TODAY... so as long as one woman is suffering I will not shut up about it!
GOD BLESS Mali... and GOD BLESS Syria and GOD BLESS the USA!
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M.A. • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
@Motherpope the mother ship is calling.............get on it now!
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Ernest • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
We have much more to fear from a Judeo-Christian Theocracy in this country than we do of a rare branch of extreme Islam. I'm not saying Sharia Law doesn't exist. Crocodiles exist but there's very little chance of me being eaten by one in the Midwestern part of the US. As a result, I won't allow myself to be worn out or preoccupied by a fear of crocodiles. A fear of tornadoes would make more sense. It's very very basic common sense. I don't know why this particular fear is worse for you than some of the other real things out there, I can only surmise you've had a personal experience that has tainted your worldview...
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Ernest • 5 hrs agoReport Abuse
Bottom line, there will never EVER EVER never EVER be Sharia Law in the United States, in much of the Muslim world, or anywhere else for that matter. And it won't be because we "Americans" fought it. There's nothing to fight against to begin with. I think those screaming most loudly about the evils of Islam have the most to gain from the atmosphere of paranoia and mistrust that it spawns. It makes an even more extreme alternative much more seductive... Just like defense contractors just love war because they can sell more weapons, those stirring dissent enjoy what they create.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 5 hrs ago
Its NOT about 'ME,' Ernest! And I am NOT afraid of tornados or any natural disasters because my GOD will take care of me, as HE has throughout IKE and Allison and Rita, while all my neighbors were suffering serious damage I was OK! And I will ALWAYS BE OK. My concern is for the women who are abused in so many ways. Acid in the face, beaten... OH GOD, I could go on and on with the abuses of Sharia Law on women. Muslims treat their women like Texas treats cattle. (And true Texans treat their women like queens) And even tho its not 'ME' who is affected... there are many women who are innocently suffering because of Sharia Law. So, you dont want me to CARE about people I dont know... who I DO KNOW are suffering? Someday people will know its not always about US. And I repeat... as long as 1 woman is suffering under Sharia Law, legally.... I will LEGALLY speak out against it!
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 5 hrs ago
p.s. Ernest... I wouldnt go near a croc or an alligator even if ya paid me :)
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K J • Raleigh, North Carolina • 5 hrs agoReport Abuse
If you are ashamed of the USA go live in Saudi Arabia you f'ing sympathiser. I am sure they would welcome you with open noose.
What a #$%$ comparison to talk Germans and Jews and us and Islam. The Jews did not blow up any buildings and mass murder any Germans. They had no reason for hating like we do these basturds. (yes I know it has an a)
We were attacked on our soil. That is pretty much justification for whatever is done to these phuckheads. No these may not be the exact people who are responsible, but their god tells them to kill us. Period.
I guess we should be tolerant of communism as well. Those types of #$%$ attitudes is what will make you wake up speaking Chinese soon.
If they want to make it about us or them I say we take the proactive approach.
WAKE UP AMERICA! These SOBs hate your #$%$ and that is not going to change. It is truly naive to think they will.
Their god is "commanding" it.
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Ernest • 5 hrs agoReport Abuse
I agree Motherpope, it's a terrible law and subjugates women to the level of property and worse, that was never debatable. However, I have to stand up to you for inflating the danger of it spreading, which has no basis in reality at all. Ebola is a terrible deadly disease but saying it is on the verge of taking over the US and infecting millions of us is disingenuous at best and does far more harm than good. Whats the point of living in an atmosphere of paranoia and fear? People like you are fouling the air with paranoia!!! Stop it!!
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 5 hrs ago
Ernest, I am an abuse survivor. People on here think insults hurt me... hahaha...insults bounce off of me like water in a hot fry pan they just have NO CLUE what I have lived through. And it is so awful, even if I tried to post it here, yahoo would delete it, I tried to post it before. So maybe I can say, being a survivor of abuse myself... I am inclined to stand up against the abuse of women other than myself, who still suffer these horrible things that I cannot speak of here. The thing is, Sharia Law legally allows the murdering of innocents. And when the innocents are crying to me, "Help US!" you think I wont listen to them?
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 5 hrs ago
Ernest, the threat is real. Its prob already to late. My friends tell me, why fight against something that has been prophesied? Well, I guess its because I CARE that people are destroying themselves, not only in Islamland, but also in other places. Its what is needed to get the people back to GOD. I have to go now... my son is calling me to sit with the grand kids. But I will be back later to check for any more of your comments.
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Ernest • 5 hrs agoReport Abuse
I have to go now but I'll just add Motherpope, I don't think or get the feeling that your a hateful or bigoted person at all. I think Sharia Law is absolutely terrible and should be actively discouraged anywhere it tries to rear its ugly head. Just like extremism in Christianity or any other religion or cult. But that's just it, bad things are bad. Some things are bigger threats than others. My concern is how fear can cause worse things than the thing we fear to begin with. Plain and simple, that's it... Peace to you and to everyone who is suspicious and afraid. We all are human, we all have hopes and fears, we all have doubts in the wee hours, and we all need to be loved... Here's something I'll leave you with in a time when we need to have real perspective.... Please read it if you would, it's not Muslim I promise :)...
"From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
"The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity – in all this vastness – there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. The Earth is the only world known, so far, to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known..." Carl Sagan- "A Pale Blue Dot..."
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G • Columbia, Maryland • 5 hrs agoReport Abuse
Youtube the 15 year old girl who was stonned for sleeping on her boyfriends counch with him and his parents upstairs. All you see is a girl who is getting HIT with stones and all she cares about is covering up her legs with a cloth so as not to be seen. Farah That is the sad truth about some of our fellow Muslims. We can no longer HIDE from this we MUST speak out and against this type of barbarisum on a daily basis, IF we are to be seen as different.
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Fed Up • Houston, Texas • 4 hrs agoReport Abuse
Hey Earnest you are way off base. The Jews did not attack or want to kill the Germans as the muslims do Christians.
The Germans commited these atrocities for reasons other than revenge. Don't compare the concerned citizens of the USA with the animals of Nazi Germany,
Do not speak of what you do not know.
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SgtNutsac • Englewood, Colorado • 4 hrs agoReport Abuse
Jews weren't swearing death to all Americans.Go appologize Obama style.
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kathy • Buffalo, New York • 2 hrs 18 mins agoReport Abuse seems like you're dealing with your issues as an abuse survivor by screaming about women's problems halway across the this your way of avoiding working on our own issues? Why don't you try volunteering at an abused women's shelter, or join a support group? There are millions of women here in the US who could use a voice. It could be quite cathartic.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 9 hrs agoRemove
Ernest, I have read your post and I think you are wanting me to minimize the problem. Oh the world is to big, we are just... a small part. That may be true, in someones mind who wants to have a reason not to care or try to make a change. I dont care how small I am. I will always speak out with the truth. I am very close to GOD... and I know things that people shouldnt know. This scared me when I was younger... I have become more bold in my older age. Believe me, I didnt want this. Its something I do, and has been well documented that I speak the truth. I am a TRUTHSPEAKER... something that ya just dont find much of these days in politics and religion. And it really makes me angry that people are lied to and innocents are dying for those lies. Today its the muslims and their believing a lie... Sharia Law is barbaric and ancient #$%$.. and like G... (THANK YOU G.. you are a true commpassionant person to see the truth!) Ernest... I respect you as a person... but dont believe everything because lots of people lie who are supposed to be telling you the truth and we as people want to believe its true. But believe me... or DONT believe me and search for youself. I cant post links here, but you can do a websearch.. search 'Sharia Law'.. and 'churches destroyed by muslims' and 'honor killings in america' DO THE SEARCH.. then you will see why I am angry that so many innocent people who just made a mistake have paid with their LIFE. Its simply wrong.
Kathy. you sound like a professional. lol... I have done my 3 years of therapy from the abuse of a lifetime... and because I was abused for the first 43 years of my life, I have become reclusive and a little agoraphobic. When you meet someone they can come off as a really cool person... but 6 months down the road they will turn on you in a heartbeat. I have seen it done over and over and over again. SO... this is how I help. On here. I am not trying to make myself GRANDIOUS as has been stated, believe me, I WISH I could of led a different life and had a different truth to tell about it. But the thing is, my truth is a horrific mind altering anxiety ridden one. Well, not anymore... I have fought for a change... and WOW... I am so blessed in my life, its idelic now. And Ernest... one more thing... we may be a very small thing on a very small thing... no big deal, right? But it IS a big deal to those who have to suffer, having acid thrown at you... boiling water thrown at you... owned like cattle... slaughtered on a whim... what about the women who are living this nightmare? I would think its a BIG DEAL TO THEM... and as long as I can hear their cries... I will speak out for them. Oh notice someone got their HAND CUT OFF for stealing, under Sharia Law! Did ya see that in the yahoo news today? Well, I must go to the children... its been a GREAT convo Ernest and G... hey really... "Thanks G for seeing the truth, maybe you can speak a little louder when GOD calls you to."
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LrntoLove • Indianapolis, Indiana • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
Motherpope....people like you are just maximizing the are not the only person who thinks u r close to God and "know things others dont know" you are a shame to society..why dont u try to learn about things then imagine god is speaking to you...God would never tolerate you or your hate...i am sure of that..because "i know things " lol ur a joke if you want to fight for change fight for a better tomorow when people are judged on what they do as individuals not judged according to thier race culture religion or sex orientation.. learn to love motherpope....u sound like a motherofBS
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G • Columbia, Maryland • 23 hrs agoReport Abuse
I am going to put this simply. This world should NOT tolerate the stoning, hanging of a woman just the crime of NOT being covered up, to the standard of some, Imam, Priest, Cleric, etc. Nor should it condone the whole sale slaughter or mutilation of women or man for sleeping alone, fully clothed in a separate room, while under the same roof of someone you are not related to. Women or man who was raped should not be forced to marry the rapist. NOR does being raped bring SHAME to the family, and allow Honor killings. This is the way Shari’s law is and or has been interpreted for the last 400 years. . Have a NICE day. MPope, is also noting that the Koran supports Shari’s Law, I would LIKE to add so does the Torah and Old Testament of the Bible. Christians have moved on to the New testament. Now I think MPope should have made a better distinction, as it would have stopped some of the misunderstandings.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 15 hrs ago
Uhh, LrntoLove, you need to learn to love, (where is my hate?) As you can see, I did what I wanted to do. G understood! Ya see, thats what Americans want. We want the American muslims to stand up against the wrongs of Sharia! Thats it... that all! Just agree... and talk about it! (And I did post in an earlier post that we dont go by the old testament anymore). I know it is barabric... So is the Torrah... and so is 'Communism' :)... but under Sharia Law, they do it LEAGALLY...
Thanks G... its a grass roots kinda thing :)
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G • Columbia, Maryland • 46 mins agoReport Abuse
No worries Mpope. Most Americans dont understand a damn thing unless its spewed out by the TV. And the LAST thing American Media lets out is the ways of some cultures in the world. They say it would just spread hate, I disagree I think it will spread understanding, that you cannot judge a culture, race, or creed by skin color, or religion. It gives them a choice to say I like this but not that. LmtoLove should go to pakastan NE part North of Islamabad, or to Saudi and then come back to tell us what is what.
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Ernest • 8 hrs ago
I'm ashamed and embarrassed of my country. We look down on the Germans for what they did to the Jews but we are heading that way in this country as well w/ respect to the Muslims.
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A Yahoo! User • Albuquerque, New Mexico • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
I'm ashamed of my country as well. We'll realize when it's too late for the sake of being politically correct!
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VoteOutTheClown • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
I am ashamed of Ernest
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truth seeker • Omaha, Nebraska • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
You hit the spot Ernest. A neighbor of mine, a very old veteran, stated the same about how Nazism started with the scapegoating of a certain group (Jews) and how it went out of control. He tears up talking about how the same sentiment is coming to his own country.
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twiceshy • Dallas, Texas • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
You are a #$%$ Ernest. Muslims have killed thousands of Americans and have vowed to destroy us. But good old Ernest, he knows to let your enemy right in the front door so they can take over that much easier.
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G • Columbia, Maryland • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
You all are wrong we are scape goating the latino populations and then the islamic population.
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Mohammad • Austin, Texas • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
Fear is being used to propogate political positions. Don't beleive everything Fox News tell you.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 8 hrs ago
But... we dont want to murder all non Americans. The muslims have Sharia Law that tells them they can legally murder all non muslims... in Islamland... and in their Koran, they are instructed to spread Sharia Law WORLDWIDE... they are instructed to do this for allah. I wish people could read all the news from all the world that tells how muslims are legally murdering... still... It has not stopped. They play pretend to be our friends, then their jihad comes in and murders... and its all OK. The all forgiving Americans dont know what the muslims have planned. Do a web search on Sharia Law... and learn what they have planned for the USA when they infilterate and get enough votes to vote in Sharia. Beware! Muslims are NOT our friends! First and foremost, they will murder all the gays and anyone having sex outside of marriage. PEOPLE! Educate yourselves to the horrors of Sharia...
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Ernest • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
The "idea" of America transcends race, religion, and culture. Once we try to put a specific face upon America we lose the soul of America, which is a place for every race, creed, religion, and culture to find their niche within. To simply say "Muslims have killed thousands of us so we should....." is absolutely wrong. Germans killed thousands of us, Vietnamese killed thousands of us, we killed thousands of us (Civil War)... Sadly everybody kills everybody, it's human nature and not a monopoly held by the Muslims. Each episode in our history presents us with another boogey man to be fought against. What we fail to realize is, barring exterior differences and cultural masks , we are just humans fighting humans. We get caught up in the current issue and lose the bigger picture.. It's a sad commentary on human nature, currently illustrated by a a large population of xenophobic, ignorant and scared US citizens...
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Captain Crunch • Fairfield, Connecticut • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
The Jews weren't practicing world domination at all costs. The Jew weren't practicing that women should be sub-humans, not deserving of the same rights as of men. The Jews weren't saying that gay people should be MURDERED IN THE STREET. The Jews weren't saying that a poor girl who was RAPED has brought shame to her family and can be legally MURDERED. You twit Ernest. It's people like you that ALLOW two faced, forked tongued organizations such as Islam to flourish here in the West. Just wait until they murder your daughter for being raped and see how you feel about them Ernest. Comparing them to Jews in WWII is an insult to the Jewish people.
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G • Columbia, Maryland • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
Motherpope, What you say is true, in a lot of the world, however like Christianity, 600 years or so the catholic church was doing the same thing. It’s a little thing i like to call the Spanish inquisition. Now this being said the jews did this same thing a few hundred years before Christianity sprung up. With these historical events in mind and taking into the fact that Islam was 900 years younger than Christians they are doing what their predecessors did before them, as Islam and Christianity came from the sons of Abraham. Now those of us in the USA (99.9%) are where Christians are now, we reject the teachings of violence.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 8 hrs ago
...muslims only have insults... maybe I should be like the muslims and throw a party and dance in the street because this mosque was burned down... like they had a party and danced in the streets when 911 happened.
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hanson • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
Yes, Ernest...those are the ideals we are trying to uphold and defend.....from muzlims, who do not share those values. To just say we believe in those values without being willing to defend them from those who want to replace it with sharia law, is foolish and suicidal. If you defend enemies of the US - then you, too, are the enemy.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 8 hrs ago
Ernest, IT IS STILL HAPPENING TODAY! Innocent women and children die EVERY FRIKKIN DAY, legally under Sharia! You people are NOT reading the world news! If they were not doing this still... I would not be saying a word about them. But they legally kill innocents!
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John • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
Motherpope why don't you leave the comments to people who aren't brain damaged.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 8 hrs ago
You muslims are just mad cause I know your agenda! I am not the only one who is onto you muslims... there are LOTS of people who are becoming aware of what SHaria Law means... EDUCATE YOURSELVES Americans... they dont want you to! They want you to be distracted with other things while they creep in unaware! Do a web search of Sharia Law... they dont want you to!
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DanielS • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
Most Muslims around the world were NOT partying during 9/11. Most of them were not even aware of Al Queda, and were horrified and spoke out against such terrorism. It was only after George Bush lumped them all together with Al Queda, and used lies to invade Iraq (a SECULAR nation and enemy of Bin Laden) and ignored the Geneva Convention and created Gitmo to hold prisoners without any legal representation or even being charged with a crime -- only then was Al Queda able to start recruiting and radicalizing more and more Muslims who were angered by our behavior AFTER 9-11. We went from being an extremely popular country in world opinion to a universally deplored and derided country. Thanks to Bush and our general ignorance. (And dont tell me how the world is better off without Saddam - as horrible as he was, he kept a heavy lid on extremism in his country and that is the reason why Bush's father left him in place. Now Iraq - under our supervision - has become the new headquarters for Al Queda.)
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G • Columbia, Maryland • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
MotherPope i am not mad I even said you were correct with the exceptions to most of us who are here. What say you Pope?
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Vetteman • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
Mother pope, You are right on!! I Love when Idiot Liberals and Muslims apologists defend their religion, and the very religion they defend has NO tolerance for non Muslims... Oh and I also LOVE when the same Left wing idiots compare what is happening to the Muslims in this country to what Nazi Germany did to the Jews. The Jews don't kill non Jews, and the BEST part is that the Nazi's trained and armed an SS division of MUSLIMS during World War 2!!! I wonder why the Nazi's and Muslims got along so well??? Gee... was it World Domination???? and intolerance for anyone other then their belief system??? HHHHmmmm! Read your History people. Don't believe what NBC, CBS, and ABC tell us. The Liberals are the intolerant ones!!!
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less is more • San Rafael, California • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
how you paint any religion with such generalaties is mind numbing and just plain ignorant.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 7 hrs ago
Daniel, I know its not all muslims... because I have a whole list of muslims who are my friends... and they are HAPPY that I am fighting the system that murders their daughters and kills young innocents... but they cant say it because they would get murdered too!
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Ernest • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
Wow the hate and ignorance is just pouring out of the woodwork like roaches. No point in defending what's worth defending in America. It's one thing to be afraid of ones government. What is it when you have to fear the citizens themselves?? And Capt. Crunch, I absolutely DO compare what happened to the Jews in Germany with what is happening here w/ the Muslims, in the sense that it started w/ general ostracism and advanced to harassment, progressing later to a loss of rights and privileges until it became subjugation, internment, and finally extermination. Show me where beyond 9/11 Muslims have harmed you, attacked your country, and tried to change your way of life?? Hasn't happened. Who is occupying whose backyard??? To paint a broad stroke upon 2 billion human beings as being killers and bloodthirsty is ignorant at best and immensely dangerous at its worst. Do you know what percent of the Muslim population practices Jihad against the west and has any direct threat against you?? Less than a fraction of a fraction of 1%.... They may not like the west, they may saber rattle and pontificate but in REALITY do very little to affect us or threaten our way of life. We ourselves have a much more successful track record of carrying out our threats. The reality here is far different than the fantasy of hate and ignorance that has been stirred up in this country.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 7 hrs ago
Thank You G... sorry I didnt mean to imply anything deragatory towards you. I really liked what you said! And just like in the past... the people will rise up and stop the bloodshed... I am just here to help the AMerican people be on guard because I read world news and I see what the muslims are... More
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Jake • Houston, Texas • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
@Motherpope....sooo Muslims are trying to spread their religion and that's wrong? Maybe all those missionaries spreading the "good word" of Christ should just come back then? Oh wait, you consider their beliefs wrong because they don't match your own. Go play in traffic.
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AgileAtheist • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
Motherpope you are a gullible idiot. If you're afraid of the 2% of Muslims here instilling Shariah law over the US CONSTITUTION, you should commit suicide by starving yourself to death. It's obvious you get most of your information from watching TV and reading message boards written by more of your ilk
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Ernest • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
That is where you are wrong Motherpope. Have you asked them if Sharia Law is their purpose?? Otherwise your just assuming. Using your reasoning, shouldn't every devout Christian desire to see a Christian world?? Supporting someone, wanting something vs. actually DOING something is quite different. There's not a scintilla of evidence that the Muslims want to take over the world. It's laughable!!! Take Iran for instance.. How many countries are they occupying right now and how many have they invaded?? How about us? Truth is usually different than perception. Even in many Muslim dominated countries Sharia law is not the defacto code. Turkey, Jordan, Syria (even evil dictatorship Syria isn't Sharia)... Only our good buddies the Saudi's practice Sharia Law, but we tolerate that for oil... They Muslims that would put everything into living here are here because of what America IS, not what they would like it to BE. Motherpope, don't you study history?? Don't you remember the RED SCARE?? There was a Commie behind every smiling face, I every branch and department of GOVT., behind the actors in Hollywood, everywhere just ready to jump out and get us!!!....And all that fear and paranoia for NOTHING. Never happened, never will... Fear and paranoia breed all kinds of nasty side effects.... It leads otherwise level headed people to turn extremist, ultra nationalistic, racist and xenophobic. Look in the mirror if you want to find something to really be afraid of. Until you recognize this we are in trouble, collectively that is...
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AgileAtheist • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
They'll never understand. You are speaking of concepts above their level of comprehension. It's ok, as with every other species, however, the weaker dumber ones are slowly phased out. This is what is happening every day to the far right wingers. They are nearing extinction.
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Dude Manrod • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
Can you imagine what would happen if our country became a Christian theocracy? Read Leviticus. It has all kinds of nice things that we should visit upon all non-Christians, people who eat shellfish, gays, people who wear mixed fabric clothing, etc.
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Karan • 7 hrs agoReport Abuse
We are the world... we are the children...
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No islam • New York, New York • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
ernest jihad yourself #$%$ moooslime terrorist
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Edward • Sao Paulo, Brazil • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
You need to listen closely to what Ernest is saying...especially about the parts of propagating fear.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 6 hrs ago
Leviticus is the OLD testament Dude. We live in the NEW testament. I dont assume anything Ernest. And I dont watch TV much at all. Do web searches on Sharia Law... do a web search on 'churches destroyed by muslims' see what the new muslim brotherhood Prez in Egypt is doing to the churches there! I honestly think the good people of America will stop the muslims plan... because when the Declaration of Independance turns on the people... the people will turn on the gov. Has anyone read about how the children of Mali stood up against Sharia Law and stopped the chopping off of the hands of a boy... under Sharia Law if you steal... even food... you get your hands chopped off. Read it now! Do a web search. You people think I am stupid! HA! The last laugh will be on you! Uh, HELLO!
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 6 hrs ago
I have many muslims on my IM telling me what they do in Islamland... and as long as their own people are crying out... to expose the corruption... I will rant.
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April • Athens, Georgia • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
I read these comments so I can remember how IGNORANT most of Americans are about the world. Nice job reminding me, Motherpope.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 6 hrs ago
Fear is a natural born instinct that says BEWARE! How can we know to fear if we are not understanding the truth. Do not denounce the benefits of fear.
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farah • Bandar Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
Motherpope. I'm sorry but you're wrong about Islam. WAaaay wrong. I wish you would just give the Quran a go. Read it and not just to look for more proof that Islam is evil but to see the different side of Islam, the beautiful side of it.
17:53, 54 And tell my servants that they should speak in a most kindly manner (unto those who do not share their beliefs). Verily, Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men; for verily; Satan is mans foe .... Hence, We have not sent you (Unto men O Prophet) with power to determine their Faith.
Most Muslims I know believe this . We don't see the need to go around forcing our faith down people's throats and we certainly have better things to do then run around killing non Muslims.I really wish you'd stop being so paranoid. There's more than a billion Muslims around the world and we're everywhere. If you really believe that all we do all day is plot against the non Muslims, I 'd say you need to bolt your doors and never come out of your house again.
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Ernest • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
Motherpope, there aren't any Muslim plans to stop in the first place. It must be a scary thing to actually think this way. And Christians may live in the NEW Testament but Christ specifically says he didn't come to destroy the law but to fulfill it, so please don't try to separate the two. And all this Sharia Law boogey man stuff you keep pushing is a red herring.. There's no threat of this law taking hold in our country. If a country like Jordan or Turkey, which is vastly Muslim, can be relatively progressive and Sharia free then how in the world do you think we will embrace it here? there's not the population for it nor will there ever realistically be. There are lots of things to fear out there that are actually real.. This boogeyman isn't one of them.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 6 hrs ago
Farah, I have read the Koran myself and I admit there are some very beautiful enticing things about it. I myself agree with some. But... theres the murdering of innocents that bothers me. I guess I wouldnt be so worried if I wasnt aware that even today women are being murdered legally under Sharia Law. Women are FORCED to marry their rapists or die... and if it was any other time, I would be standing up for others... Christians or Jew... I dont care. The thing is. see. I AM AWARE of what Sharia Law is doing and I am going to tell people about it no matter what anyone says... sure Islam looks cool from the outside if you dont know whats going on in the inside. So even tho I am most unpopular on this stance... the people can decide for themselves what is RIGHT and GOOD. Sharia Law is an abomination unto the children. Innocent children YES.. even today used by jihad... If I didnt know... I wouldnt be upset about it
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 6 hrs ago
Ernest I understand what your saying... and logically the AMerican people wont have the SHaria here, (they'd rather fight than switch) even tho some muslims are trying to get it imposed here already... but if I dont YELL and SHOUT out about something that is so horrible... I couldnt live with myself. The persecution of the Jews and Christians IS going on in Turkey and Africa and France and EGYPT... AS WE DEBATE HERE TODAY... so as long as one woman is suffering I will not shut up about it!
GOD BLESS Mali... and GOD BLESS Syria and GOD BLESS the USA!
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M.A. • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
@Motherpope the mother ship is calling.............get on it now!
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Ernest • 6 hrs agoReport Abuse
We have much more to fear from a Judeo-Christian Theocracy in this country than we do of a rare branch of extreme Islam. I'm not saying Sharia Law doesn't exist. Crocodiles exist but there's very little chance of me being eaten by one in the Midwestern part of the US. As a result, I won't allow myself to be worn out or preoccupied by a fear of crocodiles. A fear of tornadoes would make more sense. It's very very basic common sense. I don't know why this particular fear is worse for you than some of the other real things out there, I can only surmise you've had a personal experience that has tainted your worldview...
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Ernest • 5 hrs agoReport Abuse
Bottom line, there will never EVER EVER never EVER be Sharia Law in the United States, in much of the Muslim world, or anywhere else for that matter. And it won't be because we "Americans" fought it. There's nothing to fight against to begin with. I think those screaming most loudly about the evils of Islam have the most to gain from the atmosphere of paranoia and mistrust that it spawns. It makes an even more extreme alternative much more seductive... Just like defense contractors just love war because they can sell more weapons, those stirring dissent enjoy what they create.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 5 hrs ago
Its NOT about 'ME,' Ernest! And I am NOT afraid of tornados or any natural disasters because my GOD will take care of me, as HE has throughout IKE and Allison and Rita, while all my neighbors were suffering serious damage I was OK! And I will ALWAYS BE OK. My concern is for the women who are abused in so many ways. Acid in the face, beaten... OH GOD, I could go on and on with the abuses of Sharia Law on women. Muslims treat their women like Texas treats cattle. (And true Texans treat their women like queens) And even tho its not 'ME' who is affected... there are many women who are innocently suffering because of Sharia Law. So, you dont want me to CARE about people I dont know... who I DO KNOW are suffering? Someday people will know its not always about US. And I repeat... as long as 1 woman is suffering under Sharia Law, legally.... I will LEGALLY speak out against it!
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 5 hrs ago
p.s. Ernest... I wouldnt go near a croc or an alligator even if ya paid me :)
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K J • Raleigh, North Carolina • 5 hrs agoReport Abuse
If you are ashamed of the USA go live in Saudi Arabia you f'ing sympathiser. I am sure they would welcome you with open noose.
What a #$%$ comparison to talk Germans and Jews and us and Islam. The Jews did not blow up any buildings and mass murder any Germans. They had no reason for hating like we do these basturds. (yes I know it has an a)
We were attacked on our soil. That is pretty much justification for whatever is done to these phuckheads. No these may not be the exact people who are responsible, but their god tells them to kill us. Period.
I guess we should be tolerant of communism as well. Those types of #$%$ attitudes is what will make you wake up speaking Chinese soon.
If they want to make it about us or them I say we take the proactive approach.
WAKE UP AMERICA! These SOBs hate your #$%$ and that is not going to change. It is truly naive to think they will.
Their god is "commanding" it.
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Ernest • 5 hrs agoReport Abuse
I agree Motherpope, it's a terrible law and subjugates women to the level of property and worse, that was never debatable. However, I have to stand up to you for inflating the danger of it spreading, which has no basis in reality at all. Ebola is a terrible deadly disease but saying it is on the verge of taking over the US and infecting millions of us is disingenuous at best and does far more harm than good. Whats the point of living in an atmosphere of paranoia and fear? People like you are fouling the air with paranoia!!! Stop it!!
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 5 hrs ago
Ernest, I am an abuse survivor. People on here think insults hurt me... hahaha...insults bounce off of me like water in a hot fry pan they just have NO CLUE what I have lived through. And it is so awful, even if I tried to post it here, yahoo would delete it, I tried to post it before. So maybe I can say, being a survivor of abuse myself... I am inclined to stand up against the abuse of women other than myself, who still suffer these horrible things that I cannot speak of here. The thing is, Sharia Law legally allows the murdering of innocents. And when the innocents are crying to me, "Help US!" you think I wont listen to them?
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 5 hrs ago
Ernest, the threat is real. Its prob already to late. My friends tell me, why fight against something that has been prophesied? Well, I guess its because I CARE that people are destroying themselves, not only in Islamland, but also in other places. Its what is needed to get the people back to GOD. I have to go now... my son is calling me to sit with the grand kids. But I will be back later to check for any more of your comments.
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Ernest • 5 hrs agoReport Abuse
I have to go now but I'll just add Motherpope, I don't think or get the feeling that your a hateful or bigoted person at all. I think Sharia Law is absolutely terrible and should be actively discouraged anywhere it tries to rear its ugly head. Just like extremism in Christianity or any other religion or cult. But that's just it, bad things are bad. Some things are bigger threats than others. My concern is how fear can cause worse things than the thing we fear to begin with. Plain and simple, that's it... Peace to you and to everyone who is suspicious and afraid. We all are human, we all have hopes and fears, we all have doubts in the wee hours, and we all need to be loved... Here's something I'll leave you with in a time when we need to have real perspective.... Please read it if you would, it's not Muslim I promise :)...
"From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
"The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity – in all this vastness – there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. The Earth is the only world known, so far, to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known..." Carl Sagan- "A Pale Blue Dot..."
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G • Columbia, Maryland • 5 hrs agoReport Abuse
Youtube the 15 year old girl who was stonned for sleeping on her boyfriends counch with him and his parents upstairs. All you see is a girl who is getting HIT with stones and all she cares about is covering up her legs with a cloth so as not to be seen. Farah That is the sad truth about some of our fellow Muslims. We can no longer HIDE from this we MUST speak out and against this type of barbarisum on a daily basis, IF we are to be seen as different.
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Fed Up • Houston, Texas • 4 hrs agoReport Abuse
Hey Earnest you are way off base. The Jews did not attack or want to kill the Germans as the muslims do Christians.
The Germans commited these atrocities for reasons other than revenge. Don't compare the concerned citizens of the USA with the animals of Nazi Germany,
Do not speak of what you do not know.
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SgtNutsac • Englewood, Colorado • 4 hrs agoReport Abuse
Jews weren't swearing death to all Americans.Go appologize Obama style.
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kathy • Buffalo, New York • 2 hrs 18 mins agoReport Abuse seems like you're dealing with your issues as an abuse survivor by screaming about women's problems halway across the this your way of avoiding working on our own issues? Why don't you try volunteering at an abused women's shelter, or join a support group? There are millions of women here in the US who could use a voice. It could be quite cathartic.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 9 hrs agoRemove
Ernest, I have read your post and I think you are wanting me to minimize the problem. Oh the world is to big, we are just... a small part. That may be true, in someones mind who wants to have a reason not to care or try to make a change. I dont care how small I am. I will always speak out with the truth. I am very close to GOD... and I know things that people shouldnt know. This scared me when I was younger... I have become more bold in my older age. Believe me, I didnt want this. Its something I do, and has been well documented that I speak the truth. I am a TRUTHSPEAKER... something that ya just dont find much of these days in politics and religion. And it really makes me angry that people are lied to and innocents are dying for those lies. Today its the muslims and their believing a lie... Sharia Law is barbaric and ancient #$%$.. and like G... (THANK YOU G.. you are a true commpassionant person to see the truth!) Ernest... I respect you as a person... but dont believe everything because lots of people lie who are supposed to be telling you the truth and we as people want to believe its true. But believe me... or DONT believe me and search for youself. I cant post links here, but you can do a websearch.. search 'Sharia Law'.. and 'churches destroyed by muslims' and 'honor killings in america' DO THE SEARCH.. then you will see why I am angry that so many innocent people who just made a mistake have paid with their LIFE. Its simply wrong.
Kathy. you sound like a professional. lol... I have done my 3 years of therapy from the abuse of a lifetime... and because I was abused for the first 43 years of my life, I have become reclusive and a little agoraphobic. When you meet someone they can come off as a really cool person... but 6 months down the road they will turn on you in a heartbeat. I have seen it done over and over and over again. SO... this is how I help. On here. I am not trying to make myself GRANDIOUS as has been stated, believe me, I WISH I could of led a different life and had a different truth to tell about it. But the thing is, my truth is a horrific mind altering anxiety ridden one. Well, not anymore... I have fought for a change... and WOW... I am so blessed in my life, its idelic now. And Ernest... one more thing... we may be a very small thing on a very small thing... no big deal, right? But it IS a big deal to those who have to suffer, having acid thrown at you... boiling water thrown at you... owned like cattle... slaughtered on a whim... what about the women who are living this nightmare? I would think its a BIG DEAL TO THEM... and as long as I can hear their cries... I will speak out for them. Oh notice someone got their HAND CUT OFF for stealing, under Sharia Law! Did ya see that in the yahoo news today? Well, I must go to the children... its been a GREAT convo Ernest and G... hey really... "Thanks G for seeing the truth, maybe you can speak a little louder when GOD calls you to."
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LrntoLove • Indianapolis, Indiana • 8 hrs agoReport Abuse
Motherpope....people like you are just maximizing the are not the only person who thinks u r close to God and "know things others dont know" you are a shame to society..why dont u try to learn about things then imagine god is speaking to you...God would never tolerate you or your hate...i am sure of that..because "i know things " lol ur a joke if you want to fight for change fight for a better tomorow when people are judged on what they do as individuals not judged according to thier race culture religion or sex orientation.. learn to love motherpope....u sound like a motherofBS
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G • Columbia, Maryland • 23 hrs agoReport Abuse
I am going to put this simply. This world should NOT tolerate the stoning, hanging of a woman just the crime of NOT being covered up, to the standard of some, Imam, Priest, Cleric, etc. Nor should it condone the whole sale slaughter or mutilation of women or man for sleeping alone, fully clothed in a separate room, while under the same roof of someone you are not related to. Women or man who was raped should not be forced to marry the rapist. NOR does being raped bring SHAME to the family, and allow Honor killings. This is the way Shari’s law is and or has been interpreted for the last 400 years. . Have a NICE day. MPope, is also noting that the Koran supports Shari’s Law, I would LIKE to add so does the Torah and Old Testament of the Bible. Christians have moved on to the New testament. Now I think MPope should have made a better distinction, as it would have stopped some of the misunderstandings.
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MOTHERPOPE • Houston, Texas • 15 hrs ago
Uhh, LrntoLove, you need to learn to love, (where is my hate?) As you can see, I did what I wanted to do. G understood! Ya see, thats what Americans want. We want the American muslims to stand up against the wrongs of Sharia! Thats it... that all! Just agree... and talk about it! (And I did post in an earlier post that we dont go by the old testament anymore). I know it is barabric... So is the Torrah... and so is 'Communism' :)... but under Sharia Law, they do it LEAGALLY...
Thanks G... its a grass roots kinda thing :)
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G • Columbia, Maryland • 46 mins agoReport Abuse
No worries Mpope. Most Americans dont understand a damn thing unless its spewed out by the TV. And the LAST thing American Media lets out is the ways of some cultures in the world. They say it would just spread hate, I disagree I think it will spread understanding, that you cannot judge a culture, race, or creed by skin color, or religion. It gives them a choice to say I like this but not that. LmtoLove should go to pakastan NE part North of Islamabad, or to Saudi and then come back to tell us what is what.
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