
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Friday, November 15, 2013

HATE, In The Heart And In The Home

Some people believe that the opposite of LOVE is hate... but I beg to differ. I believe the opposite of LOVE is apathy. With apathy there is not feeling. With hate, there is tremendous feeling.

In fact, there is a fine line between LOVE and hate, simply because when we LOVE so much... to such great depth, then we are vulnerable to others when they reach our very core, and we may get hurt... then sometimes we hate them for hurting us.

Hate is also taught. By whomever is teaching you. When you have hate in the home... it is a living hell. When people hate each other, they seek to cause intense pain to the ones they hate. They plot and plan their destruction of the hated... with their hard hearted hatred they degrade and condemn the ones around them with hatred so deep, there is no care anymore.

I know these things because I grew up in hell... have lived there for years and have struggled with GODs help to escape and make a new life with my children and the grand children that GOD has blessed me with.

When there is hate in the home, there are demons floating around causing people to argue and fight and steal and use and take from the ones who are near to them. There is no true joy, only a fake, pretend joy that people show when they don't want to air their dirty laundry... but whispering at night to other haters who are also enjoying the negative energy. As hate takes root and grows and burns hotter than hell fires front hallway.

When people live in hate they can also learn that hate is not the way they want to be. They can see the other people in their lives who live with loving parents/family and they know there is a different world out there. It was strange to go into good peoples home and spend time with their families... I remember how I wished I was also blessed with a good loving family. But it was because I wasn't, that I am able to tell my story. If things were so good for me as they were for others... I would not be me. And I have always wanted to be someone else, live a different life. But I am me and that's all I can be. I never had that beautiful loving charmed lifestyle that some are so blessed to have. So I know what it takes to get away and make a new life. And the first step is to refuse to be like them. Just because they are haters doesn't mean you must be a hater too... it is much more fun to be loving and laughing with joy over seeing new growth... new life and new loves... there are so many people in the world who would be so happy to show you love... not all are haters. We don't have to be haters... and there is no good reason for us to be haters... haters live a negative life and the negativity is like a sickness inside... that eventually murders the soul.

You can survive the hate by recognizing that is it not good and move on to LOVE.

Its sometimes hard to let go, but let go you must, if you want to be free of hate. You cannot be free of hate when you live in a house filled with hate. Hateful people are not socially acceptable. They do not get along well with others and they DO NOT play nice. Haters will live a lonely life as they realize no one wants to be their friend.

People who live with hate in their heart will never find the PEACE that is promised to all who LOVE. If there is hate in your heart... the hate seeps out like a stinky poison that keeps people from going near you. People avoid you. Who wants to be around a hateful person? Other hateful people who feed off of the hate.

Hate is like a radical emotion that when combined with rage can do much harm to many people. Haters become murderers... violent... destructive... spiteful.. disrespectful... mean spirited... and rude. Haters will not make the world go round in PEACE... With haters... there will always be war and famine.

Hate is spread down through the grains of time... slowly evolving into a monster capable of all evil things. Get away from the haters... get out of the hateful lifestyle... it is the only way.

So, here we are today... and we see the hate all over... and we must all agree that hate is not the way to be. WE THE PEOPLE must know in our heart that we can overcome hate with love. We can LOVE the hate away... it is surprising to the haters when the people of LOVE stand strong in their love and do not accept the haters ways. We know the results of hate... and they are very dramatic... but who needs that sort of drama in their lives?

We as THE PEOPLE have the ability to LOVE each other... CARE about each other and HELP each other... but when you come across people who do not get it... move on... they will have their own self to deal with when karma comes back on them! :)

People... hate is evil. It is not productive. And it will destroy the earth and all her glory if not stopped!

We must also remember that anger is not hate. Being angry is normal for people like parents or bosses who get angry when you do wrong, especially when you do wrong on purpose.

It is my job as a mother to be angry with my children when they do wrong. It is not my job to beat them or murder them... it is my job to be mad at them until they get the understanding they need and figure out they were wrong... admit they are wrong and then we can forgive and help them to do better. But if someone is possessed by a demon, they will fight you even when they know they are wrong. Because demons think its funny to make people look stupid. One must rebuke the evil and find the way to LOVE. But if they do not choose to... just keep preaching LOVE to them and they will get tired of it and will go away!

Inviting LOVE into your heart and filling your home with LOVE will be your pathway to heaven! :)


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