
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, October 14, 2013

HATE: Our Final Frontier?

Hate is here. It was there too.

But one day it will cease to exist!

Sure has been enough hate in the world.

Now THE PEOPLE will stop it!

There are many good people in the world who will stand up for goodness sake and teach another thing!

That other thing is... LOVE!

So weird to me that someone is such a hater, that he is lying about Jesus. HA! Jesus was so important that HE caused time to stand still and begin a new! People stood still and realized that LOVE over comes hate.

Humans since the beginning of time have hated. And other humans have chosen to LOVE.

I see now a lot of hatred going on... most of it happens to be in the Muslim world. Oh yes, they say they are the religion of peace... but they beat their wives and honor kill their women and daughters, they spread violent jihad and lies around the world! Of course other people are doing it too. But not legally like the Muslims do under Sharia Law. And PEOPLE are taught to hate at a very young age under Islam.

Children are seeing violence, beheadings and stonings as normal. Its their custom.

And again, as THE PEOPLE have done in the past... so shall they do again...

STAND UP FOR LOVE... do not tolerate hate to live in your heart or your home.

Besides the open hate that is taught under Sharia Law, other people learn to hate.

Lots of haters out there. Wives hating their husbands, yet they use them for their money... children hating their parents, murdering people in cold blood.

I am so tired of hearing statements that begin with the words, "I hate..."

Yet, at the same time I am seeing more and more people standing up against the hate!

Haters love hate! Haters are not helpful. Haters use and abuse other people. Haters are not civilized. Haters do not care about anything except hurting the people they hate. Haters are narrow minded as they can't see beyond their own nose. Haters feel no pain when they are hating... the hate enrages and excites them to hate even more. Haters condone violence against innocent people. Haters are arrogant and egomaniacs in their way. They feed their hate by sharing and spreading their hatred with others including children. Haters are not welcome in a polite society. Haters should be shunned. Haters need to be educated. Haters spread hate among the people. Hate teaches hatefulness to the children. Hate can be deceptively charming. And hate is my enemy.

How many mean hateful people have I seen? HA! A thousand in my own life? A million on the TV?

We as a people are not going to get anywhere in this life until we stop the hate. We are going to be stuck under suffering for the haters hateful lifestyle forever until we stand up and say NO!.

Why is there so much hatred in the world?

Well could it be, SATAN?

Of course it could be... that's his plan... to spread hate among the people of the earth, to divide us when we need to stand together in this critical moment in time. I find myself arguing with myself when it comes to hating hate. And every time, the LOVE comes and fills my heart with joy as I am hated by the souls of evil men for the glory of GOD, for I am HIS servant, HIS vessel, HIS child!

The spirit of GOD is a LOVING, kind, compassionate, forgiving spirit that lives within the hearts and minds of all of the GOOD PEOPLE who love LOVE. It is the common denominator that hold us together in this time of trials. We are for sure living in a great time of tribulations.... where the evil brother has wrecked havoc on the brotherly love that we have been trying to espouse. Its hard to hold onto hope when you see so many people suffering so much by the hand of the evil one. And Yes, I am one of those who believes that we can invite either evil or good into our lives. Just like the legendary vampires... they must be invited in. As we all have the freedom to choose whom we will serve... either good or evil... either GOD or Satan. In this time of one of the worst holy wars of all time, we must take a stand.

Just like THE PEOPLE have done in the past.

There is a time for war, where there is no hate. And we must never allow hate to mandate our way during war. I know there have been a lot of murderings with hate leading the way. Today it is the Muslims hating the Jews and Christians... But remember when Hitler hated the Jews? And remember when Napoleon hated the Russians? And now we must deal with Islam hating the infidel.

Funny, the only thing that GOD hates is sin.

And that is why HE sent Jesus. To die for our sins. Jesus was the final sacrifice for ALL sin.

The Muslims would have you believe that they worship the same GOD that the Christians do,
but if this was so, they would be teaching LOVE, in the name of Jesus.

Jesus's message was simple. LOVE one another... do GOOD to one another.

When we learn to live with LOVE leading and guiding us... that is when we will overcome evil with GOOD! And in this modern world we live in... we can literally spread the LOVE around the world...

And STOP the hate!  In the name of Jesus!

GOD bless us... Everyone! Amen :)

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