
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Monday, October 07, 2013

I Am NOT a Muslim!

A serious thing I want to mention here is... when I do a google search, for MotherPope, lately something comes up that really irritates me. I don't know how this happened, but I don't think it did it on its own. 

Its a LIE that someone must of created. Because when you do a web search on MotherPope here is the 3rd thing that pops up.
Mother Pope: Me being a Muslim or not being a Muslim has nothing to do with my question to you since you LIED against Islam just to advance your bigoted views.

It sure looks like I am saying this doesn't it? 

It was actually something that someone said to me. Muslims hate me more than the Atheists do. 

It seems to me, if someone didn't know, they would think I am a Muslim.

I want you to know...  I AM NOT! 

                                 UPDATE  10/10/13

WOW... in one day it was taken down... changed! I am amazed! And I want to THANK YOU for reading my blog! When I first started this blog, I thought it would be something for my Grandchildren to read when they grow up, to get to know me better! And now I am up to 30 countries reading! I give all the honor and praise to GOD! I couldn't do it without HIM! :)

GOD Bless us! Everyone!


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