
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Oh No, Obama...

Yahoo is censoring my comments again, so I am compelled to write this here. This is in response to Obama wanting to get more money to bail out the houseing industry. Oh the news doesnt put it as bluntly as I just did, but I have tried to post this comment 4 times already. Here it is... finally, I guess I got a couple thumbs up before they removed it, so it came into my yahoo updates. Lucky for me, I thought this rant was gone forever.

Obama to call for $5-10 billion refinance plan

"WOW... as I was reading this article, I was wondering if others could see though this line of crap... OK, so lets create MORE politics to save housing... hmmm is this a bail out for the housing like they did for the car industry? Heres an idea... instead of paying the Gov to help... how bout paying the people directly? Want to help those who have been faithful payers? How bout paying off every home that has been faithfully paid on for at least 10 years! I honestly believe there is corruption of greed among a lot of people in high places. Here in a country where men are supposed to be free, our gov aways finds ways to enslave not only ourselves... but our children. Why are loans given to people who cant afford to pay them back??? Thats like putting your money down a rats hole... this is just a scam to make the poor man believe that the gov is going to help them... this is crap... gov doesnt care about the poor man. Those rich pompous weirdos only care about their next stunt! The truth is normal people who work hard to save and make it easier on their children are the ones having to pay for the ones who feel entitled. The ones who blow an go... whatever turns them on. I am sick and disgusted seeing materialistic ungrateful people whine and complain, these people create their own problems... get off the drugs, put down the bottle... let go of your penis and get real about the problems facing us today! P.S. anyone feeling sad about things... please go to you tube and find Lee Greenwood... watch and listen to him sing... GOD BLESS THE USA. sure made me feel better! Thank you for reading my rant... its a good day :)"


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