
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Sunday, February 23, 2014


But I do believe in practically perfect people whom I call... PPP's... I can see them all over!

And I can also hear the murmurings... some are saying... "Oh she thinks she's so perfect!"  I know people who are my enemies read what I write here. Doesn't matter to me at all. Because I know that Big Brother is reading me too... and so many others... In fact, this week 3 countries have joined my reading list. And I am Amazed! I never thought in my wildest dreams that one day I would be here writing words that are read around the world! And I THANK GOD for it... because... well... my whole life I have lived in hell and danced with the devil. Even now I fight daily the evil demons who try to ruin my day... but ya know what? I NEVER LET them WIN! HAHAHAHAHA... And the devil never will win, as long as my LORD GOD is with me!

I really want to list this list here! I listed it in Facebook but here and there are different. Just like when I comment on Yahoo. Its weird... something just comes over me and my fingers start flying and I cant even keep up and even afterwards I read what I wrote and I think... WOW... where did that come from? Here is the list of amazing readers in order of most readers... GOD Bless you all...

United States
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
South Korea
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
and Belarus :)

I keep this list close to my heart and it does my heart good to know so many are reading... and the views are climbing every day! It is amazing, yes, and I give all the praise and glory to GOD! Because I couldn't do it without HIM! You see... the thing is... I am really not special or perfect, ONLY GOD IS! But I strive to LIVE like Jesus who is and was a PPP too! There are millions of people like me who serve GOD. We just serve GOD in different ways! We are all servants to GOD, we just have different jobs. 

And the reason I am as close to GOD as I am, is because I grew up in hell and searched for a way out! I am working on writing about all that on another project. Sorta like an autobiography. I call it, 'MY SEARCH FOR NORMALCY'.

But GOD is there for ANYONE... even YOU... if you apply the time... and the need... and the questioning... OH the questioning... I have always had questions. Not so much anymore... I am older now and have grown in the Lord for... wow... 37 years since I got baptized. GOD has never left my side and I have never left HIS. I have gotten angry at HIM a lot... and I have not wanted to do some of the things HE wanted me to do. But I learned to do them cause when it comes to arguing with GOD... you NEVER win! 

Think of all the saints... and all the knowledge of every crack and every crevice in everything that is and was alive in all of this earth and sky since the beginning of time! IT IS HUGE! IT IS MASSIVE!


And HE is watching... always has... always will... and people can choose to believe and grow in the Lord and become PPPs... or they can chance it on their own... feeling alone... and scared. WOW... I don't know how I could live without placing my problems in GODs hands... Believing in the miracles that HE does every day! 

I was talking to my Dr on Monday... I got some bad news... for me. And my problems do seem hopeless... I asked him if he believed in GOD... and he told me that "the medical field has seen some things that they cannot explain. How someone can be sick and dying and somehow it seems faith in GOD can heal them... and we don't understand it." 

So I am believing in GOD for a healing.. a HEALING of the PEOPLE... and I am apart of that healing.

When you live in hell, you start looking for a way out. Well, at least some do... I did. And the only way to overcome evil is with GOOD! Oh have I tried to be good... but goodness sometimes never changed the situation for me. I was very lucky to of had Grandparents who were PPP's and loved me. 

LOOKING for GOD is something of a personal road to travel. You cant buy it... someone cannot take you there... and you could die looking if you don't have the right attitude. But... if you continue and keep looking to what is GOOD and RIGHT and TRUE... that's when you see the true beauty of LOVE... with its wonderful spectrum of colorful elements! So different and multifaceted... So new... yet so OLD!

The search has been around since the beginning of time. 

And here we are... in our time... reading the old books... believing in the spirit and communing with GOD and all of HIS saints... and what are we doing?

Hopefully we are doing what we LOVE to do!

People are so different you cant really say one way is better than the other... you just have to do what you feel in your own heart is good and right... FOR YOU! And let others do their own thing and they will reap their consequences from the actions they choose to do. 

Someone chooses to cheat on their spouse... they think its a secret... but THE WORD says... 'There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed'... so... all in good time the truth is exposed. Well, unless you figure out your wrong and ask people to forgive and make the change to do better. But somehow.. someway... the truth always comes out! I would rather someone hear the truth from me, rather than someone else.

Someone chooses to have sex before marriage... oh... it feels good alright... but this is wrong on so many levels. For one, a girl should value herself more than just being a freebie... and 2, if there is not true love there... eventually it will fall apart... and 3 the chances are very high you will create a child... and not have a father or any paternal family to help you. When I think of all the young girls who gave themselves so cheaply... was seduced like Eve was... and lost the most precious part of themselves... well, it makes me want to cry to see all the unwanted children from unwed mothers who cant even take care of themselves.

Someone chooses to rob a store... people should know by now that there are cameras EVERYWHERE!
They are listening in on your phone calls, reading your texts... being a thief is never the way to go. It is better to be a beggar on the side of the road, than a thief.

And I wont even get into murder here today because there is to much information it needs its own blog. But no one... I mean NO ONE should ever play GOD... no one is able to take a life and not be held accountable by GOD. We just don't do this!

There are things that we have learned over a period of time that should be and are second nature to some. Good people all over the world doing good things... and fighting for the ones who are not so fortunate and don't have a voice. Are not allowed to have a voice or has had their tongue cut out.

Here's my deal... I am not perfect, I am not special... I am just a grandma... however... I am a child of GOD and I try everyday to do the right thing... I CHOOSE to do what I do because I LOVE GOD and know HIM personally and want to tell the world about it! I have struggled and fought and have fallen a time or two or 3... but the thing is... I haven't given up... I always get up because GOD is not finished with me! And tho I am stressed and ridiculed and hated... I am still happy with the beautiful blessings of GOD (LOVE)!

People, don't choose the sin! Just don't do it! Its not gonna be worth it in the end.

People... keep the LOVE flowing even tho you are persecuted and in pain...

Its GONNA be worth it... in the end! :) 


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