
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Follow Me

You can go and say you're sorry and you can even try to forget about it, but you can never go back and change what you did!

So, the best way to avoid this is to not make the mistake in the first place!

This is very hard if you are stupid and stubborn, so that you don't learn from other sources that its not a good idea to do certain things.

Well, the Bible teaches you the things you need to know to have a really good life, the life that GOD wants you to have.

I need you to know... that GOD has and needs HIS PEOPLE to continue with the good things we learn. We are taught by the oldest teacher in the Book... the Holy Ghost. The spirit that comes to live within your heart and mind when you choose to follow the way that is good and right and most perfect. And we get that info in our souls to help us make good choices. Because a lot of people, if they knew the consequences for the action, they wouldn't make that choice.

If you don't want a baby, don't do the things that make you have one!

We are not here to serve ourselves, we are here to serve each other!
I am thinking about how GOD loves people who are appointed in HIS name who teach others the way to find a GOOD life! Some choose to be single working to do the work for anyone who needs them. That way you can make spontaneous decisions, you don't have to call anyone for final aproval. But of course that's not for the people who do want to call their parent or spouse or sibling for their opinion! You see how GOD works BOTH WAYS? Our Lord personalizes the relationship HE has with US. He is there and HE IS here.. and HE WILL BE forever and always!

Even for YOU too!

I do believe in PPP's... (Practically Perfect People)...

I believe we struggle every day to make a better world for our brethren!

Personally, I believe you should learn to know the man Jesus. There are many, many writings about him. But the best way to learn, the shortest quickest guide would be to read the words of the men who knew him and wrote his words! The New Testament, start there! Read the words that Jesus spoke! If you can get a bible that has these words written in red, it makes it easier.

And never will you once see the man teaching GODS PEOPLE to go kill and steal and destroy! GOD wants us to respect all 7 of his spirits... I feel the need for US to hang tight to the LOVE that is taught us by HIS SPirit! Jesus said to LOVE your enemy. How else can you teach anyone LOVE if ya don't show it???

And when EVERYONE around the earth and in the sky, agree that LOVE and CARING and HELPING others is KEY to have a great life! You help me and I help you! Like the men who had short arms and long spoons, they finally learned to serve each other! 

With GOD, There is no HATE!

With GOD there is no ARROGANCE!

With GOD there is no DESTRUCTION!

Someday, people will learn not to emulate the bad things in life!

When we all RESPECT each other enough not to lie to them... then we will have PEACE and JOY! And all the really cool things that LIFE has to offer!

We were not created to be depressed and anxious in life. But because of some choices of some people, it causes us to have these issues. GODS people can get to the heart of the problem in prayer with GOD, which is a personal meditation with the spirit of GOD and HE always helps us to see TRUTH and RIGHTIOUSNESS!

GOD doesn't want you to destroy your life with drugs and alcohol. Sure drink a little, smoke a little pot... I mean make sure it serves a pourpose! And relax and think about certain situations, how can you make life better for not just yourself, but for other people too!

Don't allow hate and anger to cause you to make a bigger mistake!

That happens too often! You can read about it in so many bio's!

GOD always rewards the good and breaks down the evil.

And evil has so many names and faces, so watch out for that.

And it will be a humble loving caring PEOPLE who will win!

There will be no more war because there would be no more corruption or greed!

Loving the children in the world enough to take care of them first! I definitely believe in the power of youth to do fabulous things! And we can all be PPP's and the world will be a better place!

Please give Jesus his just due... his generation was corrupt too. Make his name be first on your lips when you see something that you couldn't miss in the world that is GOOD and JUST!

Praise GOD for the SPIRIT!

And, GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA


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