
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

For Pence Sake!

I know its been a minute but I finally got back in here.

I had this whole blog finished and I lost the internet and it wasn't saved. I lost the internet when my sister passed away. She was the one with the account and when she passed, the bill was not taken from her account and they shut it off. I finally found a good price for just internet.

I got my dander worked up when the collage students went in, sat down for a speech from Vice President Pence and then walked out when he came on. I thought how very rude....  and very mean. Its one thing to know who your gonna hear and not go. For example. You don't choose a movie to walk out on. You should know if your not interested.

So we know that this was personal against Pence. Now whose the hater? Whose doing the hatin??? I mean what kind of person would do this just to hurt someone?

The right thing to do is to respect the man enough to HEAR WHAT HES SAYING before you pass judgement! This lack of respect does come from people who never learned respect.

When 'some people' decided to take GOD out of our system it took away all the good advice and direction in life. I hate to use the words commandments. We could almost see them as rules to follow for a wonderful, almost perfect life! I guess the young folk and some old folk don't like to follow commandments. Its why GOD sent Jesus to US to make all those rules all packaged up in one neat and tidy verse. LOVE ONE ANOTHER. It's the message of GOD.

You see... one of the old verses is 'Honor your parents/elders'. People should learn respect the old way. But GOD made it easier when he sent us Jesus... LOVE Your parents/elders. Sometimes if GOD says they are doing evil things, you are guided away from corrupt elders. But for the most part, PEOPLE ARE GOOD... and they TEACH THEIR CHILDREN TO BE GOOD PEOPLE!

Honestly there are lots of GOOD PEOPLE out there following GODS laws simply by loving others. A few weeks ago I told one of my grandkids that I loved them more than I loved me.! She looked at me like I was crazy. But accepted my words.

You see, so many people have lost the LOVING SPIRIT... GOD is the LOVING SPIRIT!

To many have lost touch with GOD. They only love themselves. What they want matters more then anything else. Some people spend their money on drinking and drugs instead of keeping their houses up. I would say some people party instead of feeding their children.  But the state will feed the children if they can.

You can always tell the drunks and the druggies by their home in disrepair... People who love life and love GOD will make things beautiful and fix their homes up nice for their family.

You see its all about the LOVE of each other now.

Its helping the children to have an open mind and listen before deciding to hate. As a matter of fact, if ya would have just sat and listened to the man, you might... you probably would like what he has to say! How can you trash something without even knowing what's inside.

I was driving down the street the other day and I heard this horrible rap song from another car pounding out 'I hate police'... over and over again... now is that why we have such disrespect?

Telling young adults to hate cops? Really?

Police have a job to do. Its a hard job. None are perfect, some are corrupt. But remember we as GODS PEOPLE call out corruption when we see or hear it. GOD will create the justice for you.

GOD says "where there are 2 or more gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst!" HE is with us... and when we are alone... HE is with US... in our heart and in our mind, telling us to do GOOD THINGS!

GOD will never tell you to do something that harms another person. Unless judgement in a court of law. Mens laws are a lot like GODS laws.

We shouldn't lie or cheat or steal or live in lust of the flesh.

Would you like to be lied to? Then don't lie. Anyone who plays like a god will fail.

There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed! So learn to love your children... your parents... and others in life. Think about them before yourself!

When I was little, my mom and dad both loved themselves more than us or each other. I don't even remembering knowing my dad until I was about 9 years old.

When you lie and cheat it causes trouble. With the love of GOD we don't run into trouble. We learn to run away from trouble. I was a depressed suicidal youngster... I thank GOD for my good Grandparents who took care of us enough so we knew the difference.

So Mr Pence, I want to apologize... 'Forgive them, for they know NOT what they do!

Know that 'being a man of GOD' is wayyy better than anyone who would disrespect you!

GOD Bless US Everyone IJCNA


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