Todays Thought
Saw a shirt for sale today...
I couldn't believe what it said...
I had to read it twice to see the reality of it.
Its about the attitude that I am concerned with today, because I am not so much into traditions. But today I have to stand up for Santa Claus. The shirt says, 'Santa Claus, Don't judge me'...
Now I never taught my kids about the one who comes and delivers presents. However I did tell Them about the Saint who secretly helped poor people.
But as I remember as a kid it was Santa's job to treat the good kids and not the bad. Santa has always had a good and bad list. And bad kids only got coal. It was a way to keep the kids good as to expecting a good Christmas. It wasn't a bad idea. Something evolving from something that guides kids to be good.
So in other words this shirt is saying, 'Santa, Don't judge me'... when it has been a huge part of our history. Really? Are they going to change that now? Its always been Santa's job to judge between the good and bad kids and the bad kids get nuthin'.
So in essence they're making it to where the bad's get the goods too.
I am so angry they are trying to make bad good. I mean, they've already done the worst. I don't understand how some people can celebrate corruption. Stupid unlearned people will believe any lie they are told. And shame on those who intentionally lie, for their and their cohorts gain. I see it to often. And GOD doesn't want us to lie and decieve. So the ones doing this, are not a child of GOD or children of The Most High GOD the Father.
This really is awful. Yet its a common attitude, because people don't like being called out when they are honestly doing wrong. These types of people are arrogant and narrow minded and can't see beyond their own noses. GOD doesn't teach us to be like that. Obviously some people love to be bad. Some people dream of being bad but they don't, only because they know that GOD says don't do that.
So the couple who came to stay for a bit... well they're gone. So strange, when she first got here she was crying that some good people want to help her... the next day she is tripping about all the spirits in the house and started burning a piece of wood to cleanse the house. Well you know me, I didn't really like the way she was going and I said a couple things that freaked her out. Like for what she was saying that the yucky person wanted to be her and was sucking the life out of her. I tried to explain to her that if the yucky person wanted to be like her then that was a compliment. This is one thing. She was freaking out because she said my brother in law is still grieving over his dead wife, (my sister) and I'm saying its only been 3 months, he should still be grieving.
So anyway… the first night she was dressed like a Muslim, later that night she was looking like a nun with the head covering, but the last night she got up and went and got a covering that barely showed her nose. I was wondering... 'was she using this as a protection' like she said? Or was she hiding something? I knew it was either one, possibly both. But the next morning, I heard her but I didn't get up. She was wailing... slamming the towel bin. I guess I should of gotten up, but her husband and his mother took care of her. Took her to an Uncles house. I had a sister in Christ come over and we were listening to the latest and my Sista said... "The devil can't stay where GOD lives!"
And the whole truth opened up to me and I was like halleluiah! And I am so glad he can't. It took us a couple days to deal with the stress of it all, but it was just another lesson learned.
Today I heard she went nuts over there and wrote weird stuff on the walls in black marker... and disappeared. Now maybe it wasn't her running away. Could be some crazy person found her and changed her life forever. I can only pray for her. Update, She ended up in jail.
Last night my daughter called me crying... she was at a stop light with one car in front of her and suddenly, there in the cross street was a terrible accident... I only prayed Thank GOD it wasn't her and my grand daughter! But there were bodies laying out so I pray for the families who most likely lost a loved one.
Life is fragile, you never know what tomorrow will bring, so be sure that GOD is alive and well in your life! Follow the way that is good. Be Happy!
I was reading a book in the Bible about Moses and after he died and all the people he left... and God spoke through Joshua, GOD led them to a place and told them to... "ENJOY IT"
This means that THE PEOPLE were IN JOY... They were HAPPY PEOPLE!
GOD wants us to be happy and that is why HE gave us the 10 Commandments and why HE sent Jesus as the final sacrifice for sin and left us the HOLY GHOST. That IS the spirit of GOD living inside our hearts and minds! You don't have to go far to find GOD!
GOD wants US to emulate Jesus... knowing the message of Jesus is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... DO GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER... HELP EACH OTHER OUT!!
This is what we do!
GOD is all about GOOD things... Truth... Justice... and the pursuit of happiness... This is what GOD wants... HE wants US to stand up against corruption. That includes hate and lies and murders and such illness in some people.
In America, we were founded on GODLY beliefs. And in order to keep a perfect union we must do the right thing and do not lie, do not cheat. Its all a matter of personal perspective.
See through the eyes of GOD through HIS SPIRIT that walks and talks with YOU 24/7
If you see a need and you are able to help... do it!
For GOD is keeping track!
Everyday I am Thankful to GOD for giving me a home and family who love me. There are to many people who lose out because they serve the evil one. You see the evil one is tricky... what he gives he gets back when you die and go be with him. I feel sorry for those who do that, because you can never come back and make it right. It's better to live a good life, enjoying the doctrines and traditions of your own family!
GOD wants us to LOVE LIFE and wants us to ENJOY it!
We should all be so blessed!
GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA
Life is fragile, you never know what tomorrow will bring, so be sure that GOD is alive and well in your life! Follow the way that is good. Be Happy!
I was reading a book in the Bible about Moses and after he died and all the people he left... and God spoke through Joshua, GOD led them to a place and told them to... "ENJOY IT"
This means that THE PEOPLE were IN JOY... They were HAPPY PEOPLE!
GOD wants us to be happy and that is why HE gave us the 10 Commandments and why HE sent Jesus as the final sacrifice for sin and left us the HOLY GHOST. That IS the spirit of GOD living inside our hearts and minds! You don't have to go far to find GOD!
GOD wants US to emulate Jesus... knowing the message of Jesus is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER... DO GOOD TO ONE ANOTHER... HELP EACH OTHER OUT!!
This is what we do!
GOD is all about GOOD things... Truth... Justice... and the pursuit of happiness... This is what GOD wants... HE wants US to stand up against corruption. That includes hate and lies and murders and such illness in some people.
In America, we were founded on GODLY beliefs. And in order to keep a perfect union we must do the right thing and do not lie, do not cheat. Its all a matter of personal perspective.
See through the eyes of GOD through HIS SPIRIT that walks and talks with YOU 24/7
If you see a need and you are able to help... do it!
For GOD is keeping track!
Everyday I am Thankful to GOD for giving me a home and family who love me. There are to many people who lose out because they serve the evil one. You see the evil one is tricky... what he gives he gets back when you die and go be with him. I feel sorry for those who do that, because you can never come back and make it right. It's better to live a good life, enjoying the doctrines and traditions of your own family!
GOD wants us to LOVE LIFE and wants us to ENJOY it!
We should all be so blessed!
GOD Bless US, Everyone! IJCNA
At 4:03 PM,
pastor_dianalyn said…
At 4:03 PM,
pastor_dianalyn said…
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