
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

It was SO BIG!

I had gone to bed.... It was 2:45AM... I had read a while... and I had laid my book down and rolled over and got comfey to fall asleep. Hugging my pillow to me I started to dose off. Oh, did I mention I was NAKED? All of a sudden, I felt a creepy crawly on my arm! I jerked my arm and jumped up faster than a speeding rocket. Flipping on all the lights looking around I saw him... (not knowing how to sex a tree roach I well refer to it as a him, since he BUGGED me at night) yeah, he was on my headboard. Frantically looking around for something to get him with (will a napkin do?) ... He crawled under my blanket. I have a satin comforter and it is so hot, I fold it in fourths while I sleep and it is easy to unfold to make in the morning. So he was somewhere in all those folds. I walked around and started lifting up parts of the blanket, wondering how in the world that HUGE tree roach got in. If you have ever lived in Texas you will know that there is a BIG difference between a regular house roach and those HUGE tree roaches. He was about this long .............................................

The only thing I could think of was when I brought the blanket in from the dryer. I had just washed it and put it back on the bed and it is possible that he jumped on when I was holding it while setting the dryer again. The bottom was hanging close to the floor and I had just seen one crawl under the washer earlier. Normally I can live with them, they don't bother you. But they are very creepy crawly and they LOOK scary. So that is how I think he got into my bed.

So there I was, lifting parts of the blanket searching, knowing I HAD to find him or I wouldn't be able to sleep. All of a sudden... OMG... He was attached to my ankle!! He was holding on for dear life, did he think I was gonna KILL him? He was sure sticking to me. I started jumping and jerking my foot, sorta like a hysterical naked jumping bean. How long was he gonna hold on? Did I mention it was 2:45AM? Finally he let go and was flung about 2 feet against the wall. I think he was dazed. My heart was pounding and it wasn't over yet, I had to capture him! I picked up my house shoe and BAM, BAM, BAM... OMG, IS HE HISSING AT ME??? I think he is still alive... of course he is and he starts running along the wall. BAM, BAM, BAM... oh, he is stopped. I spied my empty VIT A bottle and opened it and slowly knelt down to try to scoop him into it. Using my house shoe I tried to scoot him into the bottle, why was he so damn stubborn? Realizing I was getting nowhere like that, I looked around to see what I could use, maybe the broken picture frame, it was as close to a stick as I was gonna get at that moment. When I looked back, HE WAS GONE! Oh NO... I HAD to find him. I couldn't see him anywhere and I had just turned my head a split second. Where could he of gone that quickly?? LOL... Could he had conveniently crawled himself into the bottle??? Would I be that lucky? Slowly and cautiously I moved the bottle where the opening was against the wall. Waiting a minute to calm my beating heart. I picked up the lid and got it ready. As soon as I pulled it from the wall I put the lid on and gave it a shake. HAHAHA... sure enough he was in the bottle. I had to stand there a couple minutes to calm my pounding heart. This is not something you want to happen in the middle of the night. It took me some time just to recover. Thank GOD I have a good strong heart. I couldn't resist shaking the bottle just a couple more times to let him know I had the upper hand now. Was that more for ME than him??? *smile*

My first thought was throw the bottle in the garbage. But I couldn't stand the thought. Better to leave it on the dresser and take it outside in the morning. Heavy sigh, turning off the lights and checking over the empty bed I assured myself that I was safe. After all this was a first for me. There was one other time when I was about 22. I was asleep in bed, naked as is my way. And a spider dropped down on my left shoulder. But then I was in Missouri and living in the country, spiders were my friends back then, they ate mosquitoes. (That was before I learned about the Brown Recluse in Texas. And it was way smaller than this BIG roach.) I am hoping that this will be a once in a lifetime thing. And I am praying that you never have this horrible experience.

When I had calmed down and was in bed once again. I heard a little noise. Did I have a mouse in the house? Listening again, I heard it a few more times before I snapped to the fact that the little guy wanted out and was scratching the sides of the bottle! That is how big he was, he was able to make that loud of noise inside that bottle. Whew... I don't know how long he scratched to get out but as long as I knew what the noise was I was able to get back to sleep. And I am happy to say I slept very well!

In retrospect... I know these creatures cant really hurt me. But a heart attack can! It isn't really that I was afraid OF him.... but I am a girl! Naturally I was nervous. Add that to the gross feeling of having a BUG sticking to you. Yeah, I was definantly BUGGED last night!


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