
Blessed by GOD, to be loud and proud of what is good and right and true! GOD bless us, Everyone! IJCNA

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

OK, I will say it if he cant.

I read in the news today that the much loved and respected Billy Graham suffers from health problems. The worst problem is hydrocephalus, or fluid on the brain, which is relieved by implanted shunts. But he also copes with Parkinsonism and prostate cancer, and uses a walker due to a pelvic fracture last year.

Now, I love Billy Graham just like most mainstream Americans. And I am not saying he is wrong or bad in his choice not to speak out concerning the homosexuals. When asked about gay marriage, for instance, Graham replied that "I don't give advice. I'm going to stay off these hot-button issues." Now I understand Mr. Graham is in pain. And I don't believe that GOD has men to continue in service when they are not feeling well or up to it. But I feel compelled to stand on my own and to say that in all actuality homosexuality goes against nature. Lets say that homosexuality was right and everyone should do it... wow... I cant see beyond that generation. Other than test tube babies... ummm... artificially created in a Petri dish. Just thinking about it gives me the creeps. If we all turned homosexual and lived that creed, without scientific intervention, well... there would be no babies. The human race would end. Naturally, when going against nature.

So Mr Graham... you sit back and rest now... you deserve it. I will speak loud what I know.
In Lev. chapter 18 there is a long list of sexual acts that are not appropriate. And just like it is wrong to have sex with your children and the family pet... (the dog) it is also unnatural to have same sex unions/marriage.

My daughter has a friend. A young girl of 16. She was over the other day asking questions about this very subject. Of course I believe that whatever I need to say, it will come out of my mouth. I explained to her about Lev. ch. 18 and OK, well... she wasn't impressed. The girl isn't into GOD, OK, OK... lets take GOD completely out of it. Erase every religious thought. Now... look out in the garden. See the animals? You see how they follow the path of nature? It is a male/female union which creates the life cycle. They don't have scientists to create life artificially. You don't see male/male or female/female sexual unions in nature. And I feel like those monkeys who do, have been taught by humans. You see, I don't believe that people 'are born gay' I do believe however that some men are born with some feminine traits. That doesn't mean they are gay. I do believe that because of corruption in high places, it has become OK to be gay. Well 'OK' is told to us anyway. You see it all over the media. It is forced down our throats (no pun intended). And when a little boy is called a sissy all his life by a parent or a sibling it causes himself to believe that he really is 'one of them'. I think it is important to let these boys know that it is OK for them to be in touch with their feminine traits and they don't have to think that they are gay just because they have hormone imbalance or something like that.

All in all, it isn't natural to have sex with the same sex. You don't see it in nature. God says its wrong, like incest. And anyone who thinks its all 'OK and good' should just go and do it and see the results of that sort of life. Mainstream America is not into homosexuality. And as long as GOD is the center of our lives it will always be an abomination. It is clearly explained in Lev. ch 18. Go read it for yourself. Another thing to think about is the fact that after years of anal sex, the spinkter muscle will stretch out and most older gay men have to wear diapers cause they cant hold their poop in anymore. The younger gays use woman's tampax as butt plugs. This is soo against the natural ways of man.

So please Mr Graham. Rest assured that young people are coming up and still have that spirit that will always stand up and say. "This type of thing is wrong, it is unnatural. And was the basis of the destruction of Sodom and Gammorrah. That's just the way it is." Believe me, I am not going to stand here and tell you, "no you cant be like that". Because here in America, we have freedom of choice. We all choose which path we follow. It is all just a matter of personal choice. And that is what being an American is all about. Knowing that you can live like you want to live, do your own thing. If it is wrong then it will be justified in the end.

In my life I have been chased my many lesbians. I have run from them. I do have a special online friend who is a lesbian, (I think she is my biggest fan). LOL... But she knows I am straight and she respects me and I respect her and we are friends irreguardless. I have also known men who were my friends who were gay. We had some fun times. They are nice people. I love people. No one is perfect. And as long as I am not forced into being apart of the gayism life, I am all for live and let live. However, when asked my opinion about this 'hot topic' I will still have to stand strong and say, "NO... it isn't natural... Isn't the way it is supposed to be. These people have been conditioned in their mind to believe that it is OK. One day it will be clear to them all".

Mr Graham, we are not here to judge and I don't blame you for not wanting to speak some things. Sometimes I don't want to say some things, but I have to. And I think I have said my piece, cause I do feel better now. Relax in prayer, Mr Graham... The circle of life causes mankind to rise up and preach the good word and then pass it on, while others take the stern.

God Bless you, Billy Graham... You are truly a saint!


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